2022-06-28 19:38:35
The cooperation of the Crete Region with two well-known TV channels National Geographic and the History Channel resulted in a thematic advertising spot for Crete, Sense the authentic culture . The international reach of these stations will ensure that the video advertising Crete reaches millions of viewers in 126 countries. The production will be broadcast for the next two months, which is just during the hot tourist season.
The uniqueness and authenticity of the history and culture of Crete lasts from ancient times to the present day, and probably everyone who visits this island experiences Cretan hospitality. Thanks to this, most people returning from holidays in Crete take some part of it with them, and a large part begins to come back here regularly for more "portions" of unique memories.
In these difficult times, it's not easy to make your tourism product stand out. Highlighting authenticity, history and culture and sharing it with your guests is certainly a way to reach those people who do not care where and how they will spend their next vacation.
The new ad for the Crete region was directed by Thodoris Papadoulakis from Indigoview, whose other famous productions you have seen many times on our website. The music illustrating the spot is the work of the Cretan artist Giórgis Manolákis.
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