2021-12-16 19:45:57
The middle of December is not necessarily a good time to think about next year's holidays. Certainly, among our readers, there are already people who have used the early booking option, and thus the first decisions about next year's departure are already behind them. Others postpone thinking about the next vacation trips to the future. And most of us probably think about pre-Christmas and pre-New Year's preparations anyway. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing that the research on tourist preferences that has just been carried out indicates that Greece will remain among the most important holiday destinations next year.
The research on trends and preferences regarding international travel on the European and US markets was commissioned by INSETE, a non-profit organization founded on the initiative of the Hellenic Tourism Confederation. They show that Greece is still a very popular destination, high in the trend rankings . It was ranked 2nd on the Italian market, 3rd on the markets of Great Britain, Germany and France, and 5th in Austria.
This study was conducted in the eight most important markets for Greece, which are eligible for Germany, UK, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United States. Unfortunately, the research did not take into account the Polish tourism market, which was considered important this year. We ourselves would be curious how Poland would rank compared to other markets. It is worth noting that this study took into account the opinions of people who went on holiday abroad at least once in 2017-2020. The opinions of people who did not go on holidays abroad in those years were not taken into account.
In addition to the fact that Greece will be a frequent choice in these countries, the research also shows several other trends. Tourists from Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland or the Netherlands will choose Greek holidays mainly during the summer months. On the other hand, people from Great Britain or the USA will probably choose other seasons of the year as well.
When it comes to the length of stay, the most common choice is one-week vacation. However, in the case of tourists from Germany, France or the Netherlands, it can be expected that they will treat themselves to a holiday longer than 10 nights.
When it comes to the choice of accommodation, 4 or 5-star hotels are more often indicated in Great Britain, Austria or the Netherlands. In other countries, the respondents declare that they choose accommodation of a lower standard. Short-term rental is also a very popular option in all markets.
Of course, these are just forecasts showing the general direction of developments for the next season. Hopefully, in 2022, life will not write its own separate scenario that will modify these preferences. In the case of Crete, until the beginning of November, reservations were at a normal level, but later "thanks" to Omikron they slowed down a bit. Entrepreneurs from the industry say that the first two months of the new year will bring more complete forecasts for the new season. It is the traditional time of planning a holiday trip among Europeans.
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W końcu to Królowa Wysp Greckich
Byliśmy w 2017 na Korfu - jak dla nas tragedia. Tłumy takie, że na większości plaż nie było najmniejszego miejsca by położyć ręcznik, na plaży opisywanej jako jedna z najpiękniejszych na wyspie wybudowali wielki hotel zachodzący na linię piasku, a od niego do linii wody naćpali pełno łóżek. A byliśmy we wrześniu, co się dzieje w szczycie sezonu sobie nie wyobrażam. Ale jak komuś nie przeszkadzają tłumy to wyspa jest całkiem ładna.
My na Korfu byliśmy w 2010 roku. To był rok kryzysowy, hotele świeciły pustkami, na wyspę przyjechało wtedy bardzo mało turystów. Przy co drugim hotelu były tabliczki For Sale, w oczach Greków czarna rozpacz. Może dlatego że nie było tłumów mamy dobre wspomnienia z Korfu.
My w 2010 byliśmy na Rodos. Tam też są hotelowiska, ale ograniczają się do północy wyspy, bez problemu da się znaleźć rozległe puste miejsca, a na Korfu nie było gdzie pojechać - tłumy były wszędzie. Ale i tak postanowiliśmy się skupić przede wszystkim na wyspach bez hotelowiska.
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