2021-07-28 19:22:48
In the coming days, Greece will find itself under the influence of hot air masses flowing in from the North African region. In some parts of the country, the maximum air temperature, according to meteorologists' forecasts, may even reach over 43 ° C. Such indications can be observed on the continent and in the southern regions of Crete. Unfortunately, you cannot count on a respite from the high temperatures at night, because even during these hours the mercury will not fall below 25-26ºC.
The impending heatwave may be one of the top 10 recorded in Greece over the past 35 years. The hot masses of African air are expected to stay over Greece for about 8-10 days. Such a long duration of a heat wave will be particularly acute in urbanized areas, where the heat accumulation effect will occur. With the following days in cities, you will be able to observe a constantly increasing minimum daily temperature, which will additionally increase the feeling of discomfort.
Mr Costas Lagouvardos, research director at the National Observatory in Athens, emphasizes that after the July heatwave that lasted 10 days, this is the second meteorological phenomenon of this type recorded this year. The last time such a two-fold long-lasting accumulation of hot days was observed in 2007. What worries meteorologists is the fact that we are currently only in the middle of this summer. Many are already wondering if Greece will have to deal with one more heatwave, which would be definitely an unusual and disturbing event.
One of the particularly hot spots in Crete is to be the Matala beach area
The Greek General Secretariat for Civil Protection has issued a series of recommendations related to the coming heatwave. In particular, all people in areas where high temperatures are anticipated are advised to:
The regional branch of Civil Protection located in the commune of Kandanos-Selino asked tourists for special consideration. It is one of the regions of Crete especially popular among people focused on spending time actively. The local authorities of the Civil Protection Service urge tourists who go hiking in the coming days to give up their plans. The high temperatures prevailing on these days in the south of Crete can pose real threats to health and life.
While this appeal may seem too dramatic to many people, we strongly advise you not to ignore it. Many of the hiking trails in Crete are places where you must reckon with constant exposure to the sun. Very often, on long stretches, you can only count on single shaded places. It is also worth remembering that only on a few routes you can count on amenities such as are available, for example, in the Samaria Gorge. Water intakes or prepared rest zones are the exception rather than the rule on many routes. Some of the hiking trails also run through areas where it is difficult to reach the mobile phone network. These areas are also traversed by a small number of people, so in the event of an emergency, calling for help may be very difficult or even impossible.
komentarz z
Tak. Jest bardzo gorąco tylko baseny i plażowanie
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Sandra to chyba jedyne co można z przyjemnością robić w takie upały :)
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CRETE - Kreta jest cudownie a upały uwielbiam
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Jesteśmy na południu Krety i dzięki wodzie się totalnie tego nie odczuwa
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Patrycja zdecydowanie, bliskość wody to duży plus :)
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CRETE - Kreta oj tak, w Polsce już przy 26 mam dość, a tutaj ponad 30 i totalny relaks :D
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Lecimy za 10 dni na Kretę, liczę że będzie trochę chłodniej
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Ok. 34 stopni w okolicach Heraklionu, ale wiatr chłodzi na plaży. Jak przestanie wiać, to może być piekiełko
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Byliśmy w sierpniu w Kavrós - upał był nie do opisania i to codziennie ☀️ ale ja to lubię
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Jedziemy za chwilkę sprawdzić
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Irena Chrobok Pani Irko czyżby na Krecie?
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Nie,moze w przyszłym roku jak już będzie stabilniej !
Ale wyspy greckie zwykle ten upał maja znośniejszy
Cala Grecja ma ponad 30, a Kreta Północna swoje słynne 29, które zapamiętałem z katalogów Scan Holiday sprzed 20 lat i ktore sam doświadczyłem pod koniec sierpnia. Hotelik przy plaży i w ogóle nie korzystaliśmy z klimy. Lubię wietrzne wyspy w tym np. Rodos czy Fuerteventure.
My podczas pierwszych wyjazdów tez nie korzystaliśmy z klimy. Ale nie było temperatur sięgających do 41 stopni jak dzisiaj.
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