Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Crete in the ranking of the most popular destinations for 2021

data_2021-01-27 20:15:47 2021-01-27 20:15:47

The first weeks of the new year are traditionally the time when the Travelers' Choice rankings of the well-known travel website TripAdvisor appear. These rankings are based on the reviews and ratings of the website users and are treated as a kind of barometer of the popularity of tourist destinations in a given year.

Crete in the TripAdvisor ranking

In the Best of the Best category of the most popular destinations, Crete was among the 25 most frequently mentioned destinations for another year. This time it took 7th place, which means a slight decrease compared to last year's ranking when it came in third place. This year, Indonesian Bali (1st), London (2nd), Dubai (3rd), Rome (4th), Paris (5th) and Hanoi (6th) turned out to be more popular. It is also worth emphasizing that Crete in this ranking is the only place from Greece that was in the forefront.

Rankings and actual elections

Of course, tourist popularity rankings are a frequent topic of many internet portals. A large proportion of people when planning their holidays take such information into account and make their travel choices based on it. However, due to its wide range and popularity, TripAdvisor is a more reliable source of certain trends and tendencies. On its website, it has already collected over 859 million reviews and opinions on 8.6 million hotels, guesthouses, restaurants and tourist attractions. TripAdvisor branded sites are present in 49 markets and available in 28 languages.

Nevertheless, it is always worth maintaining moderation when planning your vacation based on various types of statements. By focusing only on popular attractions and facilities that are particularly eagerly recommended by other Internet users, it is easy to miss other beautiful places. Of course, an additional factor is the uncertain epidemic time in which we currently live. The Internet popularity of tourist destinations is strictly verified by external factors such as travel restrictions and lockdowns. Needless to say, this year's season is also in question. Personal holiday preferences may lose to the constraints of sanitary protocols, which some countries will probably enforce against visiting tourists.

Gosia,  data_2021-01-27 20:15:47 2021-01-27 20:15:47
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Rafał Kiljan
2021-01-27 19:39:53

Czy grecki rząd wypowiada się co do lata 2021? Ujawnia jakieś plany?

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2021-01-27 21:06:23

Rafał Kiljan Na razie nie ma jeszcze konkretnych wytycznych. Próbowali przepchnąć w UE szczepionkowy paszport ale nie zyskali całkowitego poparcia. Ostatnio dogadali się z Serbami że będą wpuszczać wzajemnie swoich obywateli albo na podstawie świadectwa szczepienia albo z ujemnym wynikiem testu. Można się więc spodziewać takiego kierunku.

gość dodekanezowiec
2021-01-28 11:56:05

No to niedobrze, że dużo luda się chce pchać...

I że bądź to wymogiem będzie szczepienie (nie jestem 70+) bądź test, a to stres i koszty. 

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Gosia |  To byli Kreteńczycy. Pewnie gdyby to byli turyści to w mediach zostałoby to wyraźnie zaznaczone ;)
gość PiotrWie  Wiecie może czy to byli miejscowi czy ktoś z zagranicy? Bo lokalsi chodzą często dość nieodpowiedzialnie, na wprost zamiast po szlakach. Ale nigdy nie widziałem jak chodzą w okresie zimowym - może trochę bardziej odpowiedzialnie niż jesienią i wiosną.
 Nie wierzę, zwyczajnie nie wierzę.
 rozum nie dogonił mózgu...ech
 Byłam. Kilka razy przejazdem, i od kilku lat planuję zostać tam na dłużej. Może w końcu się uda
 Cudowna wioska piękne widoki wspaniała kuchnia brawo Anogia
 W planach ba przyszły rok ;)
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