Crete tourist guide

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An accident on the trail leading to Psiloritis

data_2021-01-07 19:22:33 2021-01-07 19:22:33

From the perspective of our trips, we must admit that trips to the mountain regions of Crete have always been very pleasant to us. It is with great pleasure that we remember our ascent to the peak of Psiloritis, the highest massif in Crete. Unfortunately, it was even more sad to read about the unfortunate accident that took place yesterday on the local trail between Lakkos Mygeros and the Timios Stavros peak. According to local news portals, two participants of the Psiloritis ascent slipped on the trail, one was seriously injured, while the other died on the spot as a result of injuries.


Winter is the period when the weather in Crete can be the most unpredictable and changeable. Apart from sunny days, there are often periods of bad weather, which can be particularly severe in the mountainous regions of the island. According to the preliminary findings of the local emergency services, it was the bad weather that could have been one of the factors that contributed to this unfortunate accident.

According to the reports of people who participated in this mountain excursion, snowfall accompanied them already during their journey to the Lakkos Mygeros plateau. Despite the fact that they managed to get to the beginning of the trail a bit later than planned, everyone decided to go on the trail. The weather conditions did not change, however, and after some time 4 people decided to turn back towards the Lakkos Mygeros plateau, which in retrospect turned out to be the right decision.

Trail leading to Psiloritis

Despite the snow cover on the slopes and bad weather conditions, two people decided to continue the ascent to the peak of Psiloritis. We do not know the exact course of the accident, but it is known that yesterday at 6 p.m. (about half an hour after sunset) one of the climbers called 112. He informed the emergency services that as a result of a slipping he and his friend fell from a mountain slope. The injuries sustained in the fall prevented him from moving further independently. In a telephone conversation, he also informed that he did not know where his traveling companion was.

The alerted emergency services worked very efficiently. Units of the police, ambulance service and eight local fire brigades went to Lakkos Mygeros immediately. Despite the very bad weather, cold and darkness, at 9 p.m. the wounded climber was found, and a moment later his friend, 20-year-old Giorgos Kokovakis, was found, but unfortunately no longer showed any signs of life. All the activities of the emergency services ended only at 4 am.

Piotrek,  data_2021-01-07 19:22:33 2021-01-07 19:22:33
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gość PiotrWie
2021-01-07 22:48:39

Domyślam się że ześlizgnęli się z trawersu Agathiasa - to miejsce wydaje się najbardziej niebezpieczne na tej trasie w warunkach zimowych - gdy tam się ktoś poślizgnie zjedzie 20-30 metrów po stromym zboczu wprost na skałki. My przy pierwszej próbie podejścia w maju 2014 cofnęliśmy się stamtąd - konieczność przetrawersowania po stromym stoku kilkudziesięciometrowej plamy zmrożonego śniegu uznaliśmy za zbyt niebezpieczne. A w warunkach zimowych to można pewnie zjechać i kilkaset metrów.

Gosia |
Gosia |
2021-01-08 11:40:42

Zapewne tak. Agathias to najbardziej niebezpieczne miejsce. Plus dodatkowo brawura: czterech chłopaków postanowiło zawrócić, ale tych dwóch poszło dalej mimo późnej pory. Za późno wyszli na szlak, wypadek wydarzył się już po zachodzie słońca. Jak to na ogół bywa seria złych decyzji skończyła się tragedią.

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