2020-07-11 20:00:56
Chrissi is one of the places more popular among tourists vacationing in the eastern part of Crete. This island is known mainly for its picturesque beaches, whose sand is described in advertising brochures as golden, as well as for its natural cedar forest. Unfortunately, however, there are many indications that due to the very intense tourist traffic, the unique flora and fauna may be at risk. Matthaios Filippakis working in the forest management in an interview with Radio Lassithi said that about 80% of the more than 100-year-old Chrissi-growing cedars are threatened with total death.
He emphasized at the same time that the protection of the remaining forest stand would require the implementation of far-reaching restrictions associated with tourism, which takes place on the island. Already at the moment, which has already been proposed in the past, a total ban on camping in Chrissi should be introduced.
In order to protect the forest, it should also be prohibited to move around it. In particular, it is about the movement of tourists from one end of the island to the other. It is important because during the typical tourist season up to 200 thousand of tourists come to the island. people per year. Cedars have a very extensive and sensitive root system, which in the case of such intensive exploration of the forest by tourists, is permanently damaged.
According to Mr. Filippakis, the best solution would be to prohibit Chrissi Island from going ashore for at least 20 years. Of course, such a solution is unrealistic, so he believes that it is necessary to introduce even a ban on moving around the island and allow tourists to relax only on those beaches to which they will be brought by boats. In his opinion, if these restrictions are not introduced, then most likely the cedar forest located on the island of Chrissi may die off completely.
In 1984, during his first visit to Chrissi Island, Mr. Filippakis estimated that about 10% of the cedar trees were withered. This condition was described as completely natural. At present, however, even considering that some summers were extremely dry, the speed at which the oldest trees die is unprecedented. If no measures are taken over the years, the cedar forest will turn into something like a dead forest located in the town of Mitilini on the island of Lesbos.
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