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Seven steps to a new normality

data_2020-04-29 20:03:17 2020-04-29 20:03:17

Yesterday evening, the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis delivered a message to citizens, and then, along with six deputy ministers, presented a rather detailed plan for opening the economy and a gradual return to everyday life . This information overlaps with the framework plan we wrote about earlier, but is much more detailed and set in specific dates.

Beach umbrellas
The road to holidays from previous years still seems very distant

Prime Minister Mitsotakis noted first of all that the quickly taken preventive measures brought results, since the current total number of patients (2,576 people - data as of April 29) for coronavirus is many times smaller than in other countries. In recent days, the number of new cases is minimal (today 10 cases). By significantly halting the development of the epidemic, it is possible to move on to gradual removal of restrictions, which, however, will be combined with performing more tests, which will allow you to quickly identify new outbreaks.

He also pointed out that citizens would have to comply with new hygiene measures, keeping at bay, using face masks and giving up some of their current behavior, e.g. handshaking. This must become second nature because there is no return to reality from before the coronavirus.

Mitsotakis, announcing the details of defrosting the economy, noted that quarantine exit will take place step by step. However, a renewal of the threat cannot be excluded. Therefore, despite presenting extensive stages, he noted that this is still only a plan that will be subject to constant evaluation. The Prime Minister also said that his priority is and will be the life and health of the Greeks. That is why every decision made will be based on transparency, honesty and mutual trust. " So our new slogan is" We are safe. " We leave the house, but we are always responsible. "

New Road - cars

Let's get to the specifics. Restoring the functioning of social life and the economy has been initially divided into 7 stages. The first lifting of restrictions will be on May 4 . On this day, text messaging will cease before you leave your home. Despite this, until May 18, it will be prohibited to move outside the prefecture in which people live and work.

On this day, the first companies, small shops and services such as hairdressers and beauty salons will open, but in their case you will have to make an appointment for a specific time. Bookstores, shoe stores, garden stores and optical showrooms will also be opened.

Shops will have to operate in accordance with the new rules, i.e. masks, disinfectants, disposable gloves will be used and a distance of 2 meters must be kept. The number of customers who will be able to stay in the store will also be limited. It is also recommended not to use elevators.

In the case of hair salons, the number of people who will be able to stay in the salon will be limited. It will depend on the size of the living room. Also the armchairs the clients sit on will stand at least a meter apart. Open doors and windows will be required for air exchange, air conditioners should be left off. Both employees and clients will have to wear face masks. Similar regulations will apply in beauty salons.

It will be important for patients that on May 4 hospitals resume procedures and operations. After a two-month break in the normal operation of hospitals, the pool of urgent procedures is growing.

Churches are also to be opened within this period, but the number of people who will be able to stay in their area has been limited to 10 people. Separate rules will apply for churches from May 17.

Water sports and swimming will be allowed. However, organized beaches remain closed.


The next step in making trade available will be made on May 11 , when the rest of the small retail stores will open. New operating rules will also apply here.

That day, because of the exams awaiting them, students from the last grade of high schools will return to school. For other children, remote teaching is still recommended during this period. Kindergartens and primary school are to be closed until the government is certain that the epidemic will actually end.

As part of the newly implemented procedures in schools, conditions are to be created to protect students' health by means of antiseptics. The number of students in the class will be reduced so that it does not exceed 15 people. To meet this limitation, it is likely that shift and rotation classes will be introduced. If necessary, the authorities do not exclude the use of masks. Higher education institutions will still operate on the basis of distance learning. Driving schools will also be open on this day.

The next steps are expected on May 18 . If the stages entered earlier do not increase the number of cases, then on that day the other high school students will be able to return to the benches. The opening of archaeological sites, botanical and zoological gardens and partly casinos is also planned on this day. If the evaluation of the course of the epidemic is successful, the ban on traveling outside the prefecture should also be lifted.

The opening of large shopping centers and department stores can be expected on 1 June . However, here the number of customers is to be limited and adapted to the store's area. Masks and gloves are to be used both by the staff and by customers.

On this day, the first customers can receive restaurants, cafes and taverns. However, this will be possible under certain conditions. Guests will only be able to sit at outdoor tables. An additional limitation will be the increased distance between tables and the number of guests at one table limited to four people. A sanitary regime covering both employees and customers will also apply.

In the fifth stage of lifting the restrictions, whose exact date of introduction will be determined in June, summer cinemas are to be opened. Their activities will be possible with a distance of 1.5 meters between viewers in a row and with filling up to 60% of all seats. However, it is unlikely that large meetings with the participation of the public, such as festivals, concerts or sporting events, are allowed within this period.

Hotel in Heraklion

Hotels are also to be opened at the beginning of June, but so many that operate throughout the year.

The sixth stage is planned for the opening of recreational parks, amusement parks and outdoor playgrounds. In the last, seventh stage , restaurants and cafes with service inside are to be opened, sports facilities as well as seasonal operating hotels and holiday homes.

The use of masks will also be required in public transport (by employees and passengers), in shops, supermarkets, all services where physical contact will be required, as well as in all closed rooms and the elderly.

At the same time, penalties for non-compliance with imposed security measures were announced. If you don't use the mask, the penalty is 150 € . The government also recommends avoiding excessive numbers of people in workplaces and means of transport by changing work start times. Emphasis is also placed on using remote work where possible.

Gosia,  data_2020-04-29 20:03:17 2020-04-29 20:03:17
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2020-04-29 18:50:06

Bardzo mądre decyzje ❤️

Anna Sławska
2020-04-29 20:21:04

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Beata Baer
2020-04-30 04:42:18

Jak dobrze pójdzie to sierpień i możliwośc przyjechania

Marta Wolny-Lis
2020-04-30 06:23:48

Racjonalne i rozsądne podejście, reszta Europy może się uczyć.


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