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Archaic boat in the port of Heraklion

data_2019-06-17 19:10:34 2019-06-17 19:10:34

An interesting object has recently visited the port of Heraklion . A primitive boat made of a single tree trunk is a dugout made by Czech archaeologists. Creating it is part of a project to check the possibilities of people moving in ancient times. This archaic watercraft is a faithful copy of a boat discovered by archaeologists in one of the Italian lakes.

The boat created by the Czech scientists is unique not only because the fidelity of shape and size has been preserved, but also because of the techniques used to make it. At the stage of its creation, the scientists reached for wood processing methods used in ancient times. Part of the monolithic trunk was hollowed out using stone tools that were used by prehistoric people.

This year's expedition carried out by the Czechs was the last stage of a sea trip planned as part of this project. In previous missions, they defeated the route between the Italian village of Lavrio and the Greek island of Milos. In the last day, swimming in an archaic boat, they reached Heraklion, catching the island of Santorini on the way.

Thanks to the implementation of this bold project, the scientists proved that in remote times it was possible to undertake distant expeditions in the Mediterranean region, whose aim could be, inter alia, maintaining trade relations. Scholars also believe that this type of travel could affect the spread of early forms of agricultural crops.

In the near future, the boat that the scientists traveled will be exhibited by one of the Czech museums.

Gosia i Piotrek,  data_2019-06-17 19:10:34 2019-06-17 19:10:34
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