2019-04-29 19:54:25
The Greek Easter is slowly coming to an end. For the faithful gathered around the Greek Orthodox church, this holiday is undoubtedly the most important holiday among those celebrated in this rite. Watching photos and film relationships feel the true spirit and the sublimity of the moment. In the following video you can see how Easter was celebrated in Hersonissos. The large congregation gathered together at the small old church of Agios Paraskevi to share the light of candles in the words of "Christos Anesti" (Χριστός Ανέστη), whose splendor symbolizes the resurrection, the return of life from the darkness.
For many Greeks, a resurrection evening is the moment of finishing over a month's fast and the beginning of an extremely solemn celebration, which will not only be full of tasty food, but also good fun.
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