A trip through the Samaria Gorge is certainly known to most people who were in the western part of Crete. This several-kilometer-long trail attracts thousands of tourists each year. Today we would like to invite you to watch our video, which we shot in this gorge last year.
Today we offer you a quick virtual walk through the streets of Rethymnon, which is the third largest city of Crete. The city lies in the north-western part of Crete, more or less in the middle of the New National Road section connecting Chania and Heraklion. For many years he has been competing with Chania for the title of the most beautiful city of Crete. Find out for yourself whether it deserves to be called.
The film was made during the cruise between Chora Sfakion and Agia Roumeli. Along the way from the ferry, you can admire many interesting places located on the south coast of Crete such as the road to Anopoli, charming Loutro, beaches in Phoenix, the outlet of the Aradena gorge, Marmara beach and the green hills of Agia Roumeli.
One of the unique features of Crete is the still-alive presence of small family factories engaged in craft production of traditional Cretan products. Virtually in every major village you will find a shop where local handicraft products are sold. Today we would like to introduce you one of such places, that is, the Hydria pottery plant located in the town of Asomatos.
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Byłam i polecam. Niezapomniane widoki
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Oj, przepiękne widoki zwłaszcza w górnej części szlaku. No i oczywiście przy Żelaznych Wrotach.
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miejsce,którego się nigdy nie zapomni:)
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To prawda :) My tam z pewnością wrócimy po raz kolejny.
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mam taki sam plan:)
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Z pewnością powtórzę wyprawę
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Samarię trzeba koniecznie odwiedzić będąc na Krecie. I te widoki, wow......... Polecam!!!
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Polecam ale buty tekingowe zabrać. To nie spacer ścieżka w lesie.
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Tak, koniecznie! Złe buty mogą nawet uniemożliwić przejście. Widzieliśmy co prawda na szlaku osoby w różnym dziwnym obuwiu (np. butach do pływania, tenisówki na cieniutkiej podeszwie), ale tu najlepsze będą solidne trekkingi. Nogi na tym szlaku dostają mocny wycisk, po co jeszcze pogarszać sprawę nieodpowiednim obuwiem.
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Dziekuje za filmi fajnie wrócić na chwilkę wspomnieniami do tych widoków, choć nie wiem czemu kolana mnie znów zaczely bolec
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Może zmiana pogody idzie ... :D
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