2024-06-10 20:23:14
If during your stay in Crete you are looking for something unique and unusual that you can visit on this island, you may be interested in the Skinakas observatory. It is located in the heart of the central part of Crete in the Idi massif. In a straight line, the distance from Heraklion to Heraklion is only 25 km, but the actual distance from the capital of Crete by car is just over 50 km. Part of this route leads through remote mountainous areas.
The drive along the narrow mountain road that leads here and the views from the top are enough reasons to get here. Several times a year you can enter the observatory, visit it and look at the stars. However, this is only possible during open days. There will be 4 more days in 2024 that additionally coincide with the full moon. These will be: Friday, June 21, Sunday, July 21, Monday, August 19 and Wednesday, September 18. A special "In the Land of the Shepherds" event is also planned for Sunday, August 24 near the town of Anogeia.
The Skinakas Observatory is located near the mythical Ida Cave (6 km) and close to the beautiful and picturesque Nida Plateau. So if you are planning to come to this area to see one of these places, it is worth adding this observatory to your list. You can read more about this place in the article about the observatory .
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Byłam I polecam. Fantastyczna droga z szczyptą adrenaliny i ten widok I wiatr we włosach
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Kasia Chrobry Droga jest niesamowita. Warto tam się przejechać dla samych widoków. O ile oczywiście kogoś nie przerażają wąskie górskie drogi bez barierek.
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CRETE - Kreta jechałam po gorszych . Miałam Dobrego kierowce
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najlepsza jest droga do tego obserwatorium, niezapomniane widoki i totalne pustkowie <3 No, moze nie licząc pasących się kóz :)
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