Crete tourist guide

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Knossos - UNESCO decision next year

data_2024-03-21 20:20:57 2024-03-21 20:20:57

At the beginning of last year, the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports, with the support of a number of scientific institutions and the Crete Region, submitted a serial nomination application to include the Minoan Palace of Knossos on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. In addition to Knossos, the proposal also includes Minoan palaces in Phaistos, Malia, Zakros, Kydonia and Zominthos.


A UNESCO delegation is scheduled to arrive in Crete in the fall to conduct a preliminary assessment of Knossos. However, by then, the Heraklion commune, in cooperation with the Region of Crete, should start working on the parking lot next to the palace and improve the image of the commercial outlets located near the excavation site. Work is also needed to improve the environmental space of the palace.

The final decision to include the Minoan palace in Knossos on the UNESCO list is expected in the summer of 2025. If this happens, according to the authorities of the Heraklion region, it will be considered a national success.

Gosia,  data_2024-03-21 20:20:57 2024-03-21 20:20:57
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