Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

A more luxurious Crete

data_2024-03-12 20:00:15 2024-03-12 20:00:15

The fact that Crete is still an attractive destination for the creation of luxury hotel complexes is proven by the fact that the value of currently implemented projects is estimated at approximately one billion euros. Both Greek and foreign investors invest in the business of luxury complexes. Completion of the major projects currently underway is scheduled for 2027, after which Crete is expected to enter a new era of luxury tourism. It is worth noting that a new airport in Kastelli is also to be opened at the end of 2027, which will take over traffic from the airport in Heraklion. Initially, it will provide a capacity of 9 million passengers per year. For this reason alone, it is expected that the large number of accommodation places offered will certainly fill up quickly.

Elounda Hills Visualization of Elounda Hills. Source:

The largest and most expensive investment is the Elounda Hills project. It is a comprehensive project that will develop 900 acres of land with direct panoramic views of Mirabello Bay. The area of this bay is one of the most expensive and desirable areas in the Mediterranean. At the same time, the proximity to the airport in Heraklion, or later in Kastelli, will also be of great importance. Let us add that the budget of the entire Elounda Hills project is approximately EUR 800 million. The project is to be completed in five stages and will ultimately include two hotels, restaurants, a marina, entertainment venues and shops.

The first phase, starting with the construction of the marina, is scheduled for completion in 2026. The marina will accommodate 202 different vessels, including yachts up to 100 meters long. This marina is intended to attract sailing enthusiasts and create a center for maritime tourism in the area.

This phase will also include the construction of Hill Top, which will feature 137 luxury rooms and a 14-room boutique hotel. This hotel will be located near the marina and the center of the complex, where clothing stores, restaurants and bars will be located. In addition to these two hotels, luxury villas are to be built in the Elounda Hills complex. The American chain 1 Hotels is to handle hotels and residences. Elounda Hills is Mirum Group's largest project in Greece. According to the owner, Vitaliy Borisov, Elounda Hills will be developed with respect for the environment, maintaining the highest standards and will correspond to the unique landscape of Crete.

Elounda Hills Elounda Hills Project. Source:

Other investments that will affect the tourist map of Crete

Rosewood Blue Palace in Elounda worth approximately €20 million. After a comprehensive renovation, it will offer 154 rooms and apartments, including 85 with private swimming pools. The hotel will have a spa and three outdoor swimming pools. Its opening is expected in 2025.

InterContinental Resort Crete , which is scheduled to open later this year, is located in Agios Nikolaos. In this case, we are also not dealing with a new facility, but with the reconstruction of a former 4* hotel located on the very coast of the city. The resort will have 205 rooms and a range of premium amenities, including gourmet restaurants, bars, a swimming pool, a luxury spa and meeting rooms.

Elios Hill is also a project involving the complete renovation of the former The Village Resort & Waterpark hotel. The investment, with a total value of EUR 42.5 million, will offer 275 rooms and apartments, water park facilities and adult-only areas.

Luxury hotels are also to be built in the west of Crete. The Sani/Ikos investment worth EUR 125 million is starting in the Chania region. Ikos Kissamos Resort is scheduled to open next year, a resort with 414 rooms, bungalows and villas on 200 acres, located 600 meters from the beach.

The above list, of course, does not exhaust the planned hotel investments. The topic of building a hotel in Falasarna or Kavo Sidero on the eastern tip of Crete is also gradually covered in the media.

Of course, the vision of tourism offered in this type of places is addressed to a specific group of recipients who often put aspects such as comfort or broadly understood luxuries first. At the same time, these will be people who are not necessarily looking for uniqueness or willing to get to know the local color. We are able to understand these types of requirements and the lack of attachment to the place of rest. However, we hope that such industrial and perhaps colorless tourism will not dominate the entire island.

Gosia i Piotrek,  data_2024-03-12 20:00:15 2024-03-12 20:00:15
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2024-03-12 19:18:51


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To już nie będzie Kreta dzika i swojska. Będą tłumy i komercja.

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Kasia Chrobry w porównaniu z taką Lefkadą to już od dawna jest komercyjną wyspą..

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Kasia Chrobry niestety, kasa rządzi. Taniej będzie w ogromnych resortach turystycznych i wielkich hotelach.
Indywidualiści tacy jak my będą mieli coraz trudniej

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Mariusz Bart ale wystarczy skręcić w bok i jest prawdziwa Kreta. I niech tak zostanie.

2024-03-12 20:04:32

Kasia Chrobry niestety, cały świat się komercjalizuje.. Planeta Ziemia, Księżyc , Mars itp… itd..,

2024-03-12 20:13:56

Wojtek Arciszewski może się opamięta. Wszędzie resorty i hotele gdzie ludzie nie wychylają nosa na zewnątrz. Jak pokazuje zdjęcia to się dziwią że jest tak pięknie po za murem hotelu.

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2024-03-12 20:20:27

Wojtek Arciszewski To prawda. Trzeba będzie odjechać daleko aby znaleźć mało turystyczne miejsca.

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Jola Ostraszewska Tak, małe zwycięstwo.

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gość PiotrWie
2024-03-13 10:21:30

My wybieramy się w maju na Ikarię. Tam czegoś takiego nie będzie jeszcze jakiś czas. Polecam wyspy na którym nie ma lotnisk międzynarodowych - chętni na takie resorty nie uznają podróży z przesiadkami. Np Serifos, Sifnos czy Astipaleę.


2024-03-15 10:12:31

Zostaje mniej oblegane południe , ja pamiętam Kretę z przed 2 dekad i Balos gdzie prawie nie było ludzi :)

gość PiotrWie
2024-03-15 22:31:57

Już i na południu jest sporo ludzi - pamiętam puste plaże za Asterousią a w 2019 i w Tris Ekklisies i w Lentas a nawet na plażach Tripiti i Trachoulas było sporo ludzi.A na Serifos czy Kimolos byliśmy sami ewentualnie z jakąś drugą dwójką.

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