2024-02-22 20:13:36
Last Wednesday , the Bank of Greece published a full summary of the 2023 tourist season. According to these data, 32.7 million travelers from all over the world visited Greece last year, an increase of 17.6% compared to 27.8 million travelers in 2022. Equally impressive was the increase in tourism revenues, which reached almost EUR 20.5 billion, an increase of 15.7% compared to the previous year.
This also means that tourism in Greece has reached a new, higher level compared to 2019, considered for several years to be a record year in terms of the number of travelers and revenues. Let us recall that in the last year before the coronavirus pandemic, 31.34 million tourists visited Greece, generating EUR 18.2 billion in revenues.
In 2023, the number of arrivals at Greek airports increased by 12.7%, and at road border crossings by as much as 34.9%. The data also shows that 15.6% more EU residents traveled to Greece. When it comes to citizens of non-EU countries, there were almost 21% more of them. The largest increase in the number of tourists concerns the USA (+29.2%), Germany (+9.5%), France (+4.2%) and Great Britain (+2.4%). The main markets that contributed to the increase in tourism revenues in 2023 are the USA (+14%), France (+11.6%), Germany (+9.5%) and the UK (+5.8%).
Data from the last month of 2023 also bring a surprise. In December, +32% more tourists came to Greece than in the same month of 2022. As a result, travel revenues increased by 41.5%. It must be admitted that Greek tourism was fighting for the best possible result until the very end of the year.
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