2024-02-14 21:36:35
The Archaeological Museum of Heraklion has recently been included in the Iter Vitis Cultural Route. The famous Cretan museum is the second Greek institution to join this program. The Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki was the first to join the Iter Vitis wine cultural route in July last year.
Vine and wine culture have been an extremely important part of common European culture since ancient times. The Archaeological Museum of Heraklion boasts an extensive collection of artifacts from the Minoan civilization in this field. His treasures include objects related to the production and consumption of wine, such as grape presses, amphorae and wine goblets. The exhibits of the Heraklion museum are testimony to the fact that wine played an important role in Minoan society.
Including the museum on the wine cultural trail is also part of wine tourism, which is still growing in popularity around the world. And Iter Vitis promotes history, archeology and areas of wine cultivation and production.
25. The Iter Vitis Cultural Route currently covers over 100 places in almost 20 European countries. The route aims to promote wine tourism and highlight the cultural heritage of wine regions.
The European Iter Vitis Federation is a non-profit association founded in 2007 in Sicily. Its aim is to promote and preserve the heritage of European wine and viticulture. For this purpose, in 2009, the Council of Europe established the 25th European cultural route "Iter Vitis - Les Chemins de la Vigne".
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Wojtek Arciszewski Obowiązkowy punkt na Krecie.
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