2024-02-11 19:18:52
The fact that Cretans like to celebrate various occasions in a grand way is a fact known to regular visitors of the island. Shooting cheers at weddings, christenings or even when winning a match is a popular way to express joy. There is no shortage of opportunities, and the custom itself, although it has become slightly less popular in recent years, still does not surprise anyone.
Nevertheless, there are situations that surprise the Cretans themselves. Last Saturday evening, a very intense shooting took place in the area of Heraklion Prefecture during a baptism. The photo released to the media shows the floor covered with hundreds of shell casings from both Kalashnikov rifles and other weapons of various calibers.
According to one of the eyewitnesses, the noise of the shots was comparable to that of a battlefield, and during this specific cannonade, several dozen guests and children quickly left the party. Interestingly, no one reported the shooting while it was taking place, and the information was only released to the media after the fact. Only now have the police initiated an investigation into this matter.
It cannot be denied that there are a lot of firearms on the island. Even with a pinch of salt, you can say that it is more popular than household appliances. Especially in the south of Crete or in mountainous regions, no one is surprised by the fact that they have weapons. Unfortunately, the habit of shooting on various occasions sometimes ends tragically. There are often cases when a bullet ricochets into random people who pay the highest price for this tradition. It sometimes happens that during such "family" meetings, weapons also end up in the hands of children. It is not difficult to guess what the consequences of such situations are.
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