2024-01-27 19:49:01
Although there is still a lot of time left before the start of the tourist season, Crete is already preparing to welcome this year's tourists. Importantly, the priority actions taken include those that affect the so-called first impression. Currently, the central air conditioning system at Heraklion airport is being replaced frantically. In the second half of February, the surface on the runway will be renovated.
An inefficient and unreliable air conditioning system is one of the main problems faced by the airport. Nikos Kazantzakis in Heraklion. In previous seasons, it often happened that the system stopped working during the peak of the holiday season. The conditions then prevailing in the departure hall were not only a nightmare for passengers, but also for all airport employees. Fortunately, everything indicates that the situation should finally change for the better this year.
Another important work to be performed in the near future will be the replacement of the surface on the runway. Works related to this activity are to be carried out from February 19 to 24. The company that undertook the work declares that it will be completed within a maximum of 5 days.
Unfortunately, unlike air-conditioning work, changing the runway surface cannot be done in a way that does not disrupt the operation of the airport. There will be no flights from 19 to 24. If you are planning to get to Crete these days, there is nothing else to do but use alternative ferry connections or flights to the airport in Chania or Sitia.
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Przydałby się remont lotniska ale przy takich ilościach turystów w ciągu całego roku to byłoby spore wyzwanie. Ale to tylko lotnisko w sumie
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