2024-01-15 20:05:18
Today we have some pictures of winter Crete for you. Some snow has fallen in the higher regions of the island in recent days. It turned white around the Psiloritis massif and on the surrounding mountain peaks. The winter mountain landscape and sunny weather attracted Cretans who went on trips this weekend. The area of the village of Anogia attracted the greatest interest, where you could enjoy at least a little bit of snow.
Unfortunately, as it was later noticed based on videos posted on social media, some drivers of 4x4 cars, fascinated by the snow, left the paved roads and drove directly onto the plateau, destroying the wintering vegetation under the snow. These behaviors have already been condemned by the mayor of the commune of Anogia, and the local police are to initiate legally prescribed procedures in this matter.
komentarz z
No jak na połowę stycznia to mało śniegu - może jeszcze dopada. Jak nie to będzie źle z wodą. W połowie kwietnia góry były tak zasypane że nie było widać skał, a tu są widoczne spod śniegu. Pamiętam sprzed chyba 10 lat zdjęcie z 6-7 metrową zaspą na drodze do obserwatorium.
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