Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Weather anomalies - water availability in Crete

data_2024-01-04 20:01:33 2024-01-04 20:01:33

In recent months, it is impossible not to notice the weather anomalies that constantly affect Crete. Yesterday we wrote that last year was one of the least rainy ones in the entire decade. Today we would like to draw attention to the high temperatures currently recorded on the island.

Potamon Dam in Crete

In Crete, the highest temperature recorded today in Chania was over 22 degrees Celsius. Temperatures exceeding 21 were recorded in Heraklion, Agia Triada and Sisi on the north coast, among others. These values are 10-12 degrees higher than standard temperatures at this time of year.

The specter of restrictions on water supplies

Unfortunately, such high temperatures in the middle of winter are not a reason to be happy. There is still no snow in the mountains, and rain rarely falls from the clouds. This means that water supplies in retention reservoirs are shrinking more and more. All this means that the topic of restrictions on access to fresh water returns like a boomerang. The Aposelemi Dam, which supplies water to the municipalities of Heraklio, Agios Nikolaos and Hersonissos, is currently only 12% full. This means that there are 3,116,000 m3 of water left in it, which will be enough until the beginning of March if there is no rainfall. The total capacity of this dam is over 25 million m3 of water.

Currently, water supply is relatively normal, but at the beginning of March it is to be drastically reduced to one day a week. If the dry winter continues, the summer will be very difficult, predicts Evangelos Mamagakis, director of OAK transport and hydraulic project management.

Nida water reservoir

What is the water situation like in other dams in Crete?

T he Faneromeni dam in the Fajstos commune has been almost empty and there are very serious problems with its functioning.

The Valsamioti Dam in Chania Prefecture is closed for repairs.

The small Agios Georgios reservoir on the Lasithi plateau, which can hold a maximum of only 2,150,000 cubic meters of water, is currently 75% full.

The best situation is at the Potamon Dam in Rethymno Prefecture. It is currently 93% full. Water from this reservoir irrigates the entire area of Rethymno, including the city.

Potamon Dam

Shrinking time for action

Unfortunately, all this data seems to confirm the mathematical models developed by the Crete Development Organization. They predict that by 2050, eastern Crete will fall into a state of desertification, and the western part of the island will face water deficits amounting to millions of cubic meters. At the same time, the frequency of dynamic flood phenomena is expected to increase on the island. Flash floods already occur regularly, as we have written about many times in recent years.

To protect Crete against these scenarios, a plan is being prepared to manage the island's water resources and protect it against flash floods. Even the first steps in this regard have already been taken. At the end of last year, the Ministry of Infrastructure announced a project to build a new water reservoir in the Heraklion Prefecture. The Yofyros dam is planned to store 10 million cubic meters of water. In addition to the function of water supply and irrigation, it is also intended to provide flood protection. However, it cannot be denied that these activities must be developed in a more comprehensive approach and, above all, in a much shorter decision-making period, which, unfortunately, in the case of Greece and many other countries, is a problem for public administration.

Gosia,  data_2024-01-04 20:01:33 2024-01-04 20:01:33
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