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Fatal accident in the Agiofaraggo gorge

data_2023-10-24 19:59:38 2023-10-24 19:59:38

Today, a fatal accident occurred in the Agiofaraggo Gorge in southern Crete. The area around this gorge is a popular place for extreme sports. The high rocks closing the mouth of the gorge in the coastal part attract fans of rock climbing and the rather niche sport of highline, i.e. walking on a high-suspended belt.

Agiofaraggo Gorge

The accident occurred this morning around 10:30. A 38-year-old Greek fell from a rope suspended at a height of about 50 meters, suffering serious head injuries. At this point, the circumstances of the accident are not entirely clear, most likely the man was not wearing a safety harness correctly. He was supposed to go to the gorge with a group of other people.

Due to difficult access to the place where the accident occurred, the injured man was taken by Coast Guard boat to the port of Kali Limenes. From here, the man was taken by ambulance to the local health center in Moires. Unfortunately, the injuries turned out to be fatal.

Agiofaraggo Gorge View of Agiofaraggo from the sea. Highline ropes are visible.
Photo source:

As Grigoris Nikolidakis, mayor of the Faistos commune, said, timed walking competitions on a rope strung between rocks are regularly organized in the Agiofaraggo gorge. We don't know if this accident was related to some form of competition. In any case, this event perfectly confirms why highline is considered an extreme sport - both in terms of sensations and danger.

The video below shows one such walk in Agiofaraggo. However, we would like to point out that this is not a recording of today's accident!

Gosia,  data_2023-10-24 19:59:38 2023-10-24 19:59:38
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