2023-04-18 19:52:21
The Samaria Gorge is one of the most important tourist attractions in Crete. Last year, 168,593 tourists entered the trail through the gorge, which is the highest number since 2007. Each year, Samaria closes in the fall and usually opens in early May. However, each year before the official opening of the trail, work is carried out on it to remove damage caused during the winter.
Photo source: kriti24.gr
This is also the case this time, because the renovation works on the trail have just started. The paths are renewed and the safety barriers and wooden bridges are repaired. Constructions are also subject to maintenance, the task of which is to protect passing people from falling rock fragments.
The start of these works is a clear signal that probably in early May Samaria will be ready to receive guests. At the moment, the date of the official opening has not yet been announced, but if such information appears, we will certainly provide it to you.
The renovation work is carried out by the Samaria National Park and the Western Crete Conservation Areas Management Unit of the Organization for the Environment and Climate Change (ΟΦΥΠΕΚΑ). This unit took over traffic management in the gorge in 2022.
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