2023-03-22 18:36:33
Rising prices and broadly understood high prices are a topic that has recently been particularly frequent in all information portals. A large part of the news related to this type of news concerns those relating to fuel prices, the cost of which has been at a high level for many months. This topic is also quite a hot topic in Greece, where fuel prices are among the highest in Europe. It is worth keeping this in mind especially when you are planning a spring trip in the near future, as part of which you plan to rent a car. Fuel costs will certainly be one of those items in the budget that will be difficult to overlook.
Despite the general downward trend observed on international markets, fuel prices in Greece remain at a very high level. Unfortunately , one of the most expensive regions is Crete , where the average price of the cheapest regular petrol is currently €1.95 per litre. People who use cars with diesel engines are in a slightly better situation. The average diesel price in Crete is around €1.73. Analysts of the Greek fuel market predict that in the near future the costs of refueling a car will remain at a stable but very high level.
In the long term, due to the expected decline in the price of a barrel of crude oil on global markets, drivers should notice decreasing costs of refueling their cars. However, it won't be too soon. The owners of stations in Greece explain the slow drop in prices by saying that they must first sell off the stocks of expensive fuels they have in their tanks. This is a translation well known to Polish drivers. The only interesting fact is that in the case of rapid increases in the price of a barrel of crude oil on world stock exchanges, fuel prices at stations usually rise just as fast.
Unfortunately, if you are currently complaining about the high cost of refueling your car in Poland, visits to the gas station in Greece will be even more painful for your wallets. Of course, the situation may improve until the holidays, but you must take into account that the price differences between our country and Greece will remain rather unchanged.
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Hmm w sierpniu płaciłem 2,18 euro za benzynę 95 to i tak jest taniej
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Wojciech Halota Tak było faktycznie. Teraz jest "nieco" taniej ale i tak paliwo jest po prostu drogie.
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Zgadza się w porównaniu do naszych cen (chwała orlenowi
My jesteśmy aktualnie na Cyklach, tu jest cena 2,2; 2,15 - więc ceny jakie podajesz na Krecie są i tak zachęcające. Tyle że tu trudno dużo zużyć - odległości są małe, nie jak na Krecie.
Dziś na Naxos płaciłem 1,99 za litr Pb 95, to taniej niż w marcu. A ile kosztuje na Krecie?
Między 1,82-1,84 €/litr Pb 95
Jak widać na mniejszych wyspach zawsze jest drożej, ale zwykle robisz mniej kilometrów - ma Astipalei czy Santorini o ile dobrze pamiętam tankowałem Pandę raz, ale na Naxos da się zrobić pewnie sporo kilometrów.
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