2022-08-03 20:07:38
The excavations in ancient Lato , located near the village of Kritsa, are a relatively small archaeological site that has been open to the public for many years. However, this place is not particularly popular with tourists. Mainly people interested in the history of Crete and enthusiasts of excavations come here.
In addition to the traces of the former Lato, as well as a wonderful panorama stretching from this place, you will also find a small cash point here. Fortunately, it was him, and not the archaeological site itself, that was the target of the robbers who "visited" this place. After breaking the locks of the cash point, they opened an unsecured drawer, inside which there were about 4.5 thousand. €.
The circumstances of this break-in raise many questions that will certainly have to be answered by people working in this place. Regardless of the actions of the Police, the local management of the Lassithi Institute of Antiquities also carries out internal investigations. For now, it is not known where the thieves had information about the money at the cash point. The amount at the cash point is also very surprising. Taking into account the low interest of tourists in this place, it was certainly not a one-day sale.
For us, this situation is a bit like the theft of money from a cash point on the island of Spinalonga , where about 19,000 were stolen a few years ago. €. Who knows, maybe it's the action of the same people?
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