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108th anniversary of the union of Crete with Greece

data_2021-12-01 19:26:17 2021-12-01 19:26:17

Today's anniversary is one of the most important moments in the history of Crete. On December 1, 1913, the union between Crete and Greece was finally sealed, which also ended the rule of foreign powers on the island. 108 years ago, the era of the centuries-long struggle of the Cretans for freedom was definitely over.

On this occasion, today there was a state celebration in Chania, the first point of which was a mass at the Cathedral of Chania. Later, traditionally dressed Cretans carried the Greek flag to the Firkas fortress, where it was hoisted on a mast. While hoisting the flag, two F-16s from the 115th Battle Wing stationed in Souda flew by.

Union of Crete with Greece

Raising the flag is a symbolic gesture to commemorate the events of the sunny Sunday, December 1, 1913. Then two old Cretan revolutionaries, 94-year-old Anagnostis Mantakas and 81-year-old Hatzimichalis Giannaris, raised a Greek flag on the mast of the Firkas fortress in Chania. This historic moment was watched by both the Greek King Constantine, Prime Minister Eleftherios Venizelos and the political leaders of Crete.

Union of Crete with Greece Anagnostis Mantakas and Hatzimichalis Giannaris (rear) raised the Greek flag on behalf of the Cretan revolutionists
and descend from the tower of Firkas fortress in Chania. The photo comes from

After nearly seven centuries of occupation and captivity, in 1898 the last Turkish soldiers left Crete, and the island gained autonomy, but still under Turkish protectorate. The Cretan revolutionaries did not fight only to throw off the Turkish yoke. They wrote "Union or death" on their banners. This was the reason why they never accepted the autonomy of Crete under Turkish rule. Only that they had to wait another 15 years for the reunification of Crete with Greece.

The conclusion of the union with Greece was actually signed in 1912 and was already the last stage of efforts for independence. The ceremony that took place on December 1, 1913 was only a symbolic seal of the reunification of Crete with Greece.

Today's celebration at the Firkas Fortress in Chania

Gosia,  data_2021-12-01 19:26:17 2021-12-01 19:26:17
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