2021-08-17 21:03:24
The Chania Forest Directorate today announced the change in the rules of access to national parks, nature areas and forests. Access bans will only apply at levels 4 and 5 of fire risk . This means that it will be possible to stay in sensitive areas when there is level three (yellow), the second (blue) and the first (green) on the daily threat map. Therefore, when going on a trip, for example to the Samaria Gorge, you should check the day before what level of fire risk is planned for the next day. For example, for tomorrow (August 18), this risk is set at level three, so you can plan a trip to the Samaria Gorge.
Originally, the prohibition of entry to parks, nature and forest areas was to apply until Friday, August 20. However, this morning the rules for access to sensitive areas were changed and the Samaria Gorge was opened.
You can find a map of fire hazards on our website. It is permanently available in the main menu.
Fire risk map for August 18, 2021. Grade 3 will be in effect throughout the island.
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