Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

All you want is Greece

data_2021-03-09 20:15:21 2021-03-09 20:15:21

Under the slogan "All you want is Greece", Tourism Minister Harry Theocharis today invited the international public to visit Greece during this year's vacation and announced the country's indicative opening date for tourists.

All you want is Greece

Harry Theoharis, the Greek Minister of Tourism, spoke about plans to unfreeze international tourism today at an online press conference at the Acropolis Museum. According to the plan presented by him, Greece is set to open its gates to tourists by May 14, with the proviso that this is an approximate date and depends on the pandemic situation. The minister also revealed a new slogan promoting Greek tourism on foreign markets: "All you want is Greece."

Theoharis also announced that before that date, the government intends to gradually lift restrictions on Covid-19, but taking into account the current health situation. Earlier, also pilot plans to open up Greece to countries that have advanced vaccination programs, such as Israel, will be considered. This will allow the Greeks to pre-test prepared health protocols.

Tourists welcome, but ...

According to Theoharis, Greece is ready to take over the visitors, and "tourists will be welcomed if they are vaccinated prior to travel, have antibodies or test negative."

According to the plans presented, all tourists who will enter Greece in 2021 will be subjected to random testing, as was the case last year. The important difference, however, is that now the Greeks will use the so-called quick tests. In the event of a positive result, the new procedure for examining tourists will allow for the immediate commencement of quarantine in a designated place. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid the embarrassing situations that took place in 2020, when the relocations to the covid hotel took place approximately 24 hours after the test was performed. Of course, random tests at border crossings do not mean that you should give up PCR testing before traveling to Greece. They will apply to all those who will not be vaccinated.

In addition, the minister announced that, similarly to last year, the costs of all procedures related to covid-19, including possible hospitalization, will be borne by the Greek state. Greece is also expected to strengthen the structures of the health care system in all destinations to provide adequate care for both its citizens and visitors, similar to last year.

It is also worth paying attention to the statement by Theoharis, in which he also warns that all the rules that apply to the Greeks will also apply to tourists: "there will be no differentiation, no exception." As an example, he gave the order to wear masks in public places, which applies to all citizens and visitors without exception.

In addition, as previously announced, the Greek government will give priority to vaccinating people working in the tourism industry as soon as those most at risk of severe disease are vaccinated.

Meanwhile, covid in Greece is getting bolder.

Gosia,  data_2021-03-09 20:15:21 2021-03-09 20:15:21
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gość PiotrWie
2021-03-10 09:01:09

Liczyłem że da się - po wykonaniu testu - pojechać już w kwietniu, ale wygląda że raczej w tym roku wiosny w Grecji nie da się zobaczyć. Druga połowa maja to już wczesne lato - jeszcze nie wali upałem znad Sahary jak jak od połowy czerwca ale wiosną to już trudno to nazwać. Trudno, trzeba czekać - może wcześniej otworzy się Cypr.

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