2021-01-18 19:00:30
What do you need on such cold winter days as the last time? Cretan rakomelo hot! Even a small portion of this hot alcohol will warm even the most frostbite.
You will need: 100 ml of crayfish, about 35 grams of honey (preferably Cretan), 1-2 cinnamon sticks and 3-4 cloves. Crayfish with cinnamon and cloves should be heated in a saucepan, add honey and leave on low heat for about 5 minutes. During this time, the drink should be stirred with a spoon. Before serving, you can remove cinnamon and cloves so that they do not interfere with tasting. Drink while it's hot!
You may have met the rakomelo during your vacation travels. However, if you had the opportunity to try them, it was probably cold. Hot Rakomelo is a typical winter version.
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