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Golden Dawn recognized as a criminal organization

data_2020-10-07 20:22:51 2020-10-07 20:22:51

The news that dominated all news sites in Greece today was the verdict of an Athens court that declared the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn a criminal organization. Not only the Athenians reacted fiercely to the verdict, but also in Chania there were hundreds of people who applauded this historic verdict. Today's sentence is also the end of a five-year judicial battle against this group. The charges were related to murder, attacks on migrants and left-wing activists, and the functioning of the party as a criminal organization.

Announcement of the judgment in Athens

The court today pronounced sentences for 68 accused persons directly related to the Golden Dawn. As many as 65 people were found guilty of activities in a criminal organization. Both Nikolaos Michaloliakis, the founder of Dawn, and six former MPs have been found guilty of running a criminal organization. Individual sentences for directing and joining this criminal organization will be announced soon. Michaloliakis is threatened with up to 15 years. A sentence was also issued in the case of the famous murder which this organization committed against Pavlos Fyssas in 2013.

The Beginning and Political Career of Dawn

The history of the organization dates back to 1980, when Nikolaos Michaloliakos started publishing the nationalist periodical "Złoty Świt". Five years later, the unofficial "People's Movement - Golden Dawn" was established, which in 1993 was registered as a political party. A year later, the party won 7264 votes in the elections to the European Parliament. In 2012, Golden Dawn also managed to win 21 seats in the parliamentary elections, becoming the third political force in Greece. It is significant that the highest percentage of voters for this party was recorded in the electoral precincts located in the barracks of the police rapid reaction and special forces. In the 2019 elections, the Golden Dawn did not go to the Greek parliament. With the result of 2.93%, they did not cross the election threshold, explaining their failure with the planned forgery.

Controversial activity

The party recognized ancient Sparta as the ideal of the state, and some of its MPs rose to public awareness by expressing favorable opinions on the practice of throwing newborns off the rocks. The group was openly opposed to immigrants, without choosing its means. There was also humiliation and intimidation of journalists who published texts unfavorable to them. The photos of Stylianos Wlakakis, a party spokesman, who posted photos on FB, in which he posed smiling by the crematorium furnace, caused the global outcry. His postage "This oven baked good bread" does not require any comment.
The most serious accusations against members of the Golden Dawn, however, were committing political murders and using immunity to avoid criminal liability. At the same time, the party was engaged in grassroots activities to win the favor of part of the society. For example, they collected food and clothes to hand out to the poor, and in Gouves, Crete, they taught martial arts for children.

Historical court decision

Today, in addition to recognizing Golden Dawn as a criminal organization, a sentence has also been issued in the case of the murder of Pavlos Fyssas in 2013.

Pavlos Fyssas, a left-wing rapper and trade union activist, was murdered by Giorgos Roupakias, a party sympathizer, who committed the act with the support of several dozen Golden Dawn activists. Roupakias was found guilty of murder, and the remaining accused were guilty of complicity in the murder and illegal possession of a gun.

The murder of Fyssas also had wider consequences, because on the wave of social indignation it led to extensive purges in the power structures of Greece, among which there were many supporters of this party. Among other things, the head of the Greek counterintelligence resigned from his position.

Fyssas's murder is by no means the only coarser crime associated with this party. The activities of the Golden Dawn were not typical of the functioning of an ordinary political party, but of an organized gangster organization. At that time, more than 30 investigations were carried out, and repeated charges were related to a total of 5 murders, 900 severe beatings, racketeering and intimidation. The journalists criticizing the party had to reckon with public attacks and blows, but could not count on the support of the police, which remained passive. In this context, it is hardly surprising that, apart from enthusiasm, today's sentence also caused riots in Athens, and after the sentence was announced, various objects flew towards the police. Unfortunately, the police did not remain indebted.

Gosia,  data_2020-10-07 20:22:51 2020-10-07 20:22:51
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 Jacek Maciek
Jacek Maciek
2020-10-07 18:32:34

Brawa dla sądu! Już i tak za długo zwlekano. Grecy sobie latami hodowali faszystów.

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2020-10-07 18:37:38

To zaledwie początek drogi. Zobaczymy co będzie dalej.

 Barbara Wroblewska
Barbara Wroblewska
2020-10-07 20:32:41

CRETE - Kreta najważniejszy pierwszy krok.

 Artur Nowak
Artur Nowak
2020-10-07 20:49:40

czas z Naszymi hi.t.le. rkami zrobić porządek

 Urszula Margiewicz
Urszula Margiewicz
2020-10-08 19:58:58

Tak długa droga przed nimi.


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gość PiotrWie : Kolejne rekordy to obraz coraz większego overtourismu Krety. Na szczęście są jeszcze miejsca w Grecji gdzie można znaleźć spokój - obecnie jesteśmy na Ikarii gdzie jest mniej więcej tak jak 15 lat temu na południu i w interiorze Krety - na plażach i górskich szlakach spotykasz pojedyncze osoby.
I bardzo dobrze, Ci wspaniali ludzie zasługują na prosperite.
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gość PiotrWie: Okazuje się że wersja "easy to Loutro" jest zaznaczona na Google Maps, polecam szczególnie osobom z dużym plecakiem lub tym z lękiem wysokości. 
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