Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Crete at the forefront of the most popular places in the world

data_2020-02-26 18:01:12 2020-02-26 18:01:12

As every year at this time, the popular TripAdvisor travel site announced the results of the Traveler Choice rankings for 2020. They are based on reviews and ratings of portal users, so they are a good barometer of the popularity of tourist places.

We are pleased to announce that in the Best of the Best category of the most popular global destinations, Crete has been among the 25 best places in the world for another year. In addition, Crete not only remained in this ranking but also took an even higher place than in previous years. This year, our island took 3rd place , and only London (1st) and Paris (2nd) surpassed it. We would like to remind you that Crete was in 4th place in 2019 and in 5th place in 2018. Thus, it turned out to be a more popular place than Bali (4) or Rome (5). It is also worth emphasizing that in this ranking there is only one Greek island. The 18th place was taken by the popular and beautiful Rhodes.

Crete at the forefront of the most popular places in the world

Cretan beaches among the best beaches in the world

Equally interesting rankings relate to the best world and European beaches. Here the competition is very strong because the competition is really big. Despite this, the Cretan beach Elafonisi was in 21st place in the world ranking, and the beautiful Balos lagoon came in 24th place. While Elafonisi took exactly the same place as in last year's ranking, Balos's popularity clearly dropped from 15th to 24th place. Nevertheless, it is worth emphasizing that in the ranking of the best world beaches they are the only Greek beaches. We will only add that, like a year ago, the Brazilian beach Baia do Sancho turned out to be the winner on this list.

It is easy to guess that both Cretan beaches were also high in the ranking of the best European beaches. While Elafonissi maintained its 7th position last year, Balos lost its popularity here as well, taking 9th place (5th year ago). The best European beach for this year turned out to be the Italian Spiaggia dei Conigli located in Sicily.

Cretan beaches among the best beaches in the world

The popularity of Elafonisi in the season can be terrifying

Credibility of rankings

The upcoming season causes many websites to create and publish their own popularity rankings. A large proportion of people when planning their holidays take such information into account and make their travel decisions based on it. TripAdvisor, due to its wide range and popularity, is a more reliable source of certain trends and tendencies. It has already collected over 830 million reviews and opinions on 8.6 million hotels, guesthouses, restaurants and tourist attractions. TripAdvisor branded sites are present in 49 markets and available in 28 languages.

For our part, we would like to add that it is always worth to be moderate when planning your vacation based on various types of combinations. Focusing only on popular attractions and facilities that are particularly willingly recommended by other Internet users, it's easy to miss other beautiful places. Among other things, rankings are also responsible for overtourism , which is the price of popularity in online rankings or discussion groups. You should also remember that top places in the season do not guarantee peaceful sightseeing or blissful rest. From our own experience we know that it is also worth visiting less known places and looking for them with a map in hand instead of ticking off another must see from the list of received cash.

Gosia,  data_2020-02-26 18:01:12 2020-02-26 18:01:12
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 Urszula Bednarczyk
Urszula Bednarczyk
2020-02-26 18:09:13

Cudowna Wyspa. Przepiękne widoki, klimat wymarzony i najlepsze jedzenie na świecie!!! Dlatego taki wynik ❤❤❤

 Ania Graca
Ania Graca
2020-02-26 18:59:04

I ja się wcale nie dziwię. Za rok będzie jeszcze wyżej

 Mariola Dudzinska
Mariola Dudzinska
2020-02-26 19:48:05

 Daniel Fik
Daniel Fik
2020-02-26 22:18:53

Wcale mnie to nie dziwi .:) jest piękna .

gość PiotrWie
2020-02-27 22:17:38

A ja osobiście wolałbym żeby wróciły czas sprzed 10 lat gdy pełną parą działała Tunezja, Egipt, Turcja ( ta chyba wraca do gry) a na Krecie było spokojniej - nawet na Elafonisi jak piszą stare przewodniki wysepka była opanowana przez naturystów i nikomu to nie przeszkadzało. Na szczęście wyspa jest duża i jeśli skrupulatnie omijamy wszelkie "must see " i przyjeżdżamy poza szczytem sezonu to da się znaleźć spokojniejsze miejsca - ale coraz trudniej. W 2014 spędziliśmy 2 dni na małej plaży przy ruinach rzymskiej Vienny i przez ten czas przeszło tam może 5 osób, gdy chcieliśmy to powtórzyć w 2018 ( pod koniec maja!!! ) to nie było chwili by bylibyśmy sami, a przyszła tam nawt rodzina z trójką dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym które przez kilka godzin tylko głośno powtarzały "kiedy stąd pójdziemy bo tu nie ma sklepu". Chyba pora poszukać jakiejś mniej "doskonałej" wyspy o której mało kto słyszał. Na razie mamy na kwiecień i na maj bilety na Kretę - ale myslę że na półwyspie Rodopos i w dolinie Amari będą tylko ci, co świadomie tam przyjechali a nie przysłały ich różne "lajki"

Gosia |
Gosia |
2020-03-01 11:55:44

Musiałeś Piotrze trafić na wyjątkowo tłoczny dzień. W zeszłym roku szliśmy szlakiem E4 między Elafonissi i Krios. Sporo ludzi spotkaliśmy tylko na odcinku od Elafonissi do plaży Kedrodasos, później już nikogo.

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