2019-11-09 19:22:11
Today is the 153rd anniversary of the tragic events that took place in the monastery of Moni Arkadiou. This place is of special importance to Cretans. The tragically ended fight made this beautiful place a symbol of the fight for freedom and an expression of rebellion against the Turkish occupation.
If you visited Moni Arkadiou, you certainly remember the remains of the powder magazine and the remains of the victims. On November 9, 1866, Turkish artillery destroyed the entrance gate to the monastery and enabled Suleiman's army to enter its courtyard. The Cretans defending themselves were pushed into rooms where gunpowder was stored. The insurgents, wanting to avoid surrendering to the Ottoman army, set fire to the barrels of gunpowder, leading to a great explosion, which killed most of the Cretans in the monastery.
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