Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

The 78th anniversary of the Heraklion occupation

data_2019-05-29 20:38:08 2019-05-29 20:38:08

A few days ago, we reminded about the next anniversary of the Battle of Crete , which was the beginning of the German occupation of the island. After a few days of fierce fighting, on May 26-28, 1941, German troops defeated the defenders of Chania and Souda and occupied both cities. Defeating the mountains, the Allies from the area of Chania came to the vicinity of Chora Sfakion on the southern coast of Crete, from where they were evacuated by sea from May 28 to June 1. In this way, over 11,000 soldiers left the island. Heraklion and Rethymno faced the longest resistance. However, the British troops defending the capital of Crete were also evacuated on the night of 28 to 29 May, without informing the Greek forces of this fact.

A place of remembrance in Chora Sfakion

Chora Sfakion: a place commemorating the evacuation of the Allies

Therefore, on Thursday, May 29, 1941, when the Germans entered Heraklion, they found a deserted city , which no one defended. Taking control of Rethymno was a matter of hours. Greek soldiers along with part of the Allies left the positions around the city and retreated into the mountains. The city surrendered on May 30, which set a contractual end to the eleven-day battle over Crete. At the same time, Italian troops landed in Sitia, occupying the Lassithi prefecture. From that moment, the entire island was already under the control of Axis countries.

Heraklion 1941 Germany entering Heraklion. The image comes from the site

Gosia,  data_2019-05-29 20:38:08 2019-05-29 20:38:08
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Daniel Kaszubowski
2019-05-29 20:28:48

W bunkrze, w Platanias, można trochę więcej się o tym dowiedzieć. Wstęp za "co łaska", ale warto :)

Pawieł Ka
2019-05-29 22:40:25

Trzymając się tematyki polecam piękny cmentarz poległych żołnierzy (głównie Niemieckich) w miejscowości Maleme. (Niedaleko Chani). Trochę trzeba się nameczyc żeby tam wejsc,ale myślę że warto. Widok z góry przepiękny, a spokój cmentarza zachęca do zadumy i odpoczynku.

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2019-05-30 06:33:11

W tamtych rejonach toczyły się pierwsze walki Bitwy o Kretę.


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