Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Psiloritis Race for the tenth time

data_2019-05-28 19:50:15 2019-05-28 19:50:15

This Sunday, June 2, for the tenth time will be an extremely interesting Psiloritis Race .
As part of this event, several professions will be organized. The main course will take place at a distance of 35 km, and the competitors participating in it will have to run on the highest peak of Crete: Psiloritis ( 2,456 m above sea level). The start is designated on the Nida Plateau, the finish line in Kouroutes. A maximum of 300 experienced players will participate in the race. The difference in altitude that will have to be climbed up is 1654 m. It will be 2342 m down.

Psiloritis Race

If a 35 km run for someone is too long, then he can try his hand on a shorter route of 8.5 km. In addition to running at the same distance, Nordic Walking is also planned. The shortest 2 km run is provided for pupils and students.

It is worth mentioning that last year's winner of the 35 km run was Russian Dmitrii Usharov, who traveled this distance at 4:01:00. In previous editions of the race, participants from 35 countries took part.

According to the organizers, this international event combines ancient Olympic values with the Cretan tradition. Wreaths made of olive tree, which will receive the winner, will come from the oldest olive tree in the world at Vouves in Crete. His age is estimated at over 3,000 years. It was his branches decorated with Olympic champions, including in Athens in 2004.

It is also worth emphasizing that all meals that will be prepared for players will be based on the Cretan diet. They were specially composed by a dietitian from the University of Athens. The menu includes, therefore, Saku cakes, dakosy, snails, rabbit with rice and many other tasty and healthy local dishes.

These professions are organized under the patronage of the Greek Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Culture. A detailed program of the event can be found directly on the website of the organizer

Gosia,  data_2019-05-28 19:50:15 2019-05-28 19:50:15
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Rafał Piotr Matysiak
2019-05-29 06:01:28

Ehhhh.... marzenie

gość PiotrWie
2019-05-31 10:37:43

Biorąc pod uwagę obecną ilość śniegu w górach Krety tegoroczny bieg może być szczególnie trudny - może być po śniegu od  końca pierwszego podejścia z Nidy do szczytu i spory kawałek w dół.

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 Piekne miejsce...marzenie :)
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