Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Cruises to Balos, Chrissi and Koufonissi

data_2019-04-11 20:08:20 2019-04-11 20:08:20

Although, this year, the weather is not so good for the Cretans, it's impossible to hide that the tourist season is getting closer and closer.

The popular and well-known Cretan Daily Cruises, which organizes day trips to Balos and Gramovousa, the island of Chrissi and Kouffonisi, has already made available its cruise schedule for this summer.

Cruises on Balos and Gramvoussa

The most popular cruises to the Balos lagoon and the Gramovous island will be the first to take off. The first ship this season will rebound from the port of Kissamos on May 1 at 10:40. Until June 14, one cruise per day to Balos will be carried out. From June 15, a second flight starting at 12:30 will also be available. In previous seasons, the third ship also went on holiday, but currently it is not in the schedule. Ticket prices will remain unchanged at 27 euros per adult and 13 euros per child between 3 and 13 years old. Small children under 2 travel free. When issuing tickets at the ticket office, an additional mandatory administrative fee of 1 euro is charged for each passenger over 13 years of age (payable in cash).

A few days later, cruises to the island of Chrissi will be launched. From 5 May at 10:30 from the port of Ierapetra will be a boat that will take tourists to the golden island. The cost of a ticket for an adult: 25 euros , children aged 3-12: 12 euros , the youngest passengers up to 2 years travel for free. [ EDIT : there has been a change in the schedule of cruises on Chrissi. Ships have been sailing since May 1, the beginning of the cruise at 11:15].

Koufonissi island Koufonissi island

At the latest, cruises will take place on the beautiful and wild island of Koufonissi . The first cruise is scheduled for June 10. On this day at 10:45, the ship will take off from the port of Makry Gialos . Ticket costs are at the same level as in the case of cruises on Chrissi.

Gosia,  data_2019-04-11 20:08:20 2019-04-11 20:08:20
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gość PiotrWie
2019-04-12 10:50:02

Jak zaczynają 5 maja to może nam się uda wybrać na pierwszy rejs - wracamy 6 maja.

Bal Monica
2019-04-13 13:30:22

A mnie interesuje wycieczka na Santorini z Heraklionu. Czy może posiadacie sprawdzone wycieczki, przewoźnika? Z góry dziękuję za informację.

Małgorzata Stachowiak
2019-04-13 20:18:58

Piękna wycieczka.

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 Kiedyś ponoć tak tu było
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 dzieki,wybieramy sie za 2 tygodnie,tylko wschod,baza w Ierapetra.
gość PiotrWie  My obecnie jesteśmy na Alonissos, wiem że nie jest to jakiś znaczący region uprawy oliwek ale patrząc po drzewach jest całkiem sporo owoców i wydaje nam się że tu jest jakiś inny gatunek - są widocznie większe niż na Krecie 
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