2018-10-13 20:19:49
We have just returned from Lodz and we are very pleased to announce that one of the products awarded at this year's Natura Food 2018 is the Eliama Daily Value Premium oil, which is produced in the town of Agia Varvara (Αγία Βαρβάρα) in Crete. This olive won the gold medal in the category of foreign natural product.
The gold medal won in Łódź is not the first distinction that Eliama won at various fairs and exhibitions. It is worth mentioning that for two years in a row in 2017 and 2018, this oil also received a prestigious gold medal at the IOOC fair in London. This unique oil is distinguished by its extremely low acidity (0.15%) and high content of polyphenols beneficial to health. In the near future you can expect a wider description of the Eliama Daily oil on our website. Today, we will only add that it is available in the permanent offer of kreta24.pl , also tomorrow at the Natura Food fair in Lodz.
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My też byliśmy na targach!
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Oooo super :) Dla nas te targi to stały punkt w kalendarzu.
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CRETE - my byliśmy pierwszy raz, trochę tak 'przy okazji'. Głównie z powodu greckich
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Ania, zrobiłaś jakieś ciekawe zakupy? Nas przyciągają także fenomenalne polskie produkty (sery, miody). Zawsze wracamy z dużymi zapasami :D
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Tylko greckie: miód, verbenę cytrynową i ....gravierę!
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Ale próbowaliśmy!
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Elli Titaki
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Radosław Majcher thank you very much
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