2018-10-12 20:05:02
Today, the eleventh edition of the International Fair of Organic and Natural Food NATURA FOOD 2018 began. It is undoubtedly the largest and most important event of this type in Poland. Each subsequent edition attracts not only a large group of visitors but also a wide spectrum of exhibitors. This year, as in previous years, there will be plenty of Greek products at these fairs. Their availability will be taken care of by such exhibitors as the kreta24.pl store (stand 13), olsztyn.pl (stand 142), Greco Products and Olive's Earth (stand 231).
If cooking, learning new flavors and eating is your passion, we strongly encourage you to visit the fair not only because of the presence of products from Greece. Personally, we also recommend exploring the stands of other exhibitors. You can find excellent products made by local producers, whose recipes are very often based on regional recipes. You can see what last year's edition looked like by watching the photo gallery below.
It is worth noting that in addition on Saturday, October 13 at 16 and 17 there will be two thematic lectures devoted to products from Greece.
The fair is available to visitors on Saturday from 10 am to 10 pm and on Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm. The cost of a single ticket online is available at http://www.targi.lodz.pl/dla-zwiedzajacych/kup-bilet-on- line / PLN 11. It is also possible to buy a three-day ticket costing PLN 22. More information about the fair itself can be found on the following page: http://www.targi.lodz.pl/
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