2018-09-28 20:27:11
This weekend, on Saturday and Sunday in Greece, the European Heritage Days will be celebrated. It is an initiative that was initiated in 1985 by the Council of Europe. Currently, the European Heritage Days are celebrated in a total of 50 countries. The joint slogan of this year's edition is "The Art of Sharing ."
For tourists, one of the most attractive elements of the celebration of this holiday is the possibility of free entry to many museum objects and the area of excavations and monuments . Greece has been participating in the " Heritage Open Days " since 1994.
This weekend, the Heraklion Archaeological Museum can also be visited free of charge
The possibility of free entry is not the only attractions of this holiday. Each year, as part of the celebration of the European Heritage Days, special events and events are organized to give an insight into the history of particular places and regions of Greece. Some of them will also take place in Crete. It is worth mentioning even the evening concert at the Archaeological Museum in Chania, where you can get acquainted with medieval and renaissance music. A detailed list of events in Greece and Crete (in Greek) can be found in the following file: EHDaysGR_2018_program.pdf
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Są jakieś pod dachem w okolicach Rethymno? Pogoda na jutro, mało optymistyczna na całej wyspie. Jeśli gdzieś będzie słoneczko, lub atrakcja w zamknięciu, pojadę ;)
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Są tylko jakieś warsztaty w Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej w Rethymno. Pozostaje zwiedzanie muzeów po prostu.
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