Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Weather records in 2024

data_2025-01-02 19:41:33 2025-01-02 19:41:33

The start of a new year is traditionally a time for various summaries. To start, we have some interesting data provided by the National Observatory in Athens. Meteorological statistics clearly show that the winter of 2023-2024 was the warmest in modern Greek history, and last year's summer was the hottest in the history of the country.

Umbrella on the beach in Crete

44.5 degrees Celsius is the highest temperature in 2024. It was recorded on June 13 in Voukolies in the Chania prefecture. It is significant that in the record "twelve" highest temperatures recorded in Greece, as many as 6 records were located in Crete.

2160 mm is the highest annual rainfall recorded in Askifou in the Chania prefecture. Slightly less but still record rainfall was recorded in Crete in Asi Gonia (1856 mm – 5th place) and in the Samaria Gorge (1601 mm – 8th place). It is significant that Crete also recorded record low rainfall. The “final” twelve included five Cretan towns where rainfall was drastically low. All of these places are located in the eastern part of Crete. These included the towns of Sitia, Moni Toplou.

Map of the hottest and coldest places in Greece
Map of record-breaking temperature spots in Greece;

January, February, March and April were very warm months throughout Greece, with positive temperature variations compared to normal values.

May and November are the only two months of the year in which negative temperature deviations from normal values were recorded throughout Greece.

June and July were very warm throughout the country, with positive temperature deviations well above average. June saw the highest temperatures of the year in many regions. July saw the longest heat wave ever recorded in Greece, lasting from July 8 to July 23.

August and October were also warmer than average. Additionally, October was the driest month with minimal rainfall.

September was the only month in 2024 with temperatures close to average.

Finally, December, despite the above-average temperatures, was also the month that brought the heaviest rainfall across the country. In many areas, as much as 30% of the total annual rainfall fell in the last month of the year.

Gosia,  data_2025-01-02 19:41:33 2025-01-02 19:41:33
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2025-01-03 00:56:08

Kto w tym roku rezydował w Voukolies?

gość dodekanezowiec
2025-01-14 13:23:12

W sierpniu upał jak na Cyprze czy w Turcji

Kretę kojarzyłem trochę podobnie do Rodos i Kos czy nawet nieco jak na Kanarach - z wiaterkiem, a tymczasem ukrop był jak na Cyprze czy w Alanyi.

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 Piekne miejsce...marzenie :)
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