Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Karob - the forgotten treasure of Crete

Carob is otherwise the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) or carob tree found among others in the countries of the Mediterranean Basin, India, the Middle East or Australia. This evergreen and heat-resistant tree grows both wild and cultivated. Before sugarcane reeds and beets were disseminated, carob fruit was the main source of sugar due to its nearly 50% sugar content. Karob grows without additional irrigation and pesticides, tolerates high salt content, so it can often be found near the coast.


The fruits are thick pods called carob beans up to 25 cm long, containing sweet flesh and about 15 hard seeds. In the past, these seeds were used by pharmacists and jewelers as weights due to their constant weight of 0.2 g, equivalent to one carat. The taste of these fruits resembles sweet cocoa, which is why it is considered to be a healthier substitute. Low fat content, lack of caffeine and allergenic factors make carob become a newly discovered healthy product. He fell into oblivion for many years, and yet he has been known since ancient times. There is evidence that the Egyptians and Romans were already eating it. In the Egyptian tombs, both seeds and whole pods were found.

In recent years, the Cretans have rediscovered the carob and from then on its sales have been steadily increasing. There is also a growing list of products in which carob is used. It can be found in pasta, chocolate, liqueurs, halva, sauces, dakos, soups, ice cream, as well as in cheese. However, this list does not exhaust its applications.

It is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals with no gluten. Pods can be consumed both raw and after processing. Ground and dried pulp is used in the preparation of beverages, it is used in baking and confectionery. The flour is made from flour, commonly referred to as Locust bean gum or carob bean which is a thickening substance. This meal lowers blood sugar, cholesterol and weight. It has been approved by the European Union without any reservations, so it can also be found in bioproducts. The list of ingredients appears under the symbol E410.

Karob as a substitute for cocoa
Karob is a much healthier replacement for cocoa

Creta Karob is a Cretan company founded in 2006, since 2011 it has been involved in the production of various biological products from locust bean flour. The company's headquarters is located in the small village of Argyroupoli. Creta Karob tries to combine ancient ways with new technologies in the production process. Their products fully comply with the European Union regulations have received bioclassifications in Greece and the EU.

In Crete, carob trees grow in difficult dry conditions, which means that their natural environment is free of fungi and pests. Thanks to this, there is no need for chemical spraying. Although karob is not too demanding, it is only 15 years after planting that it begins fruiting. Adult plants reach a height of up to 15 meters and each of them can provide about one ton of grain during one harvest. Carob pods are harvested in mid-September.

If you are interested in carob and products containing it, then on the occasion of the next visit to Crete, we recommend you visit an ordinary grocery store. You will find it there more often than in typical tourist shops.

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gość Mat
2015-07-08 17:56:45


Moi drodzy, przepraszam że tutaj Ale to najświeższych post. 7 sierpnia wyjeżdżam na Kretę. Wszystko organizujemy sami, mam wszystko załatwione poza wypożyczalnią aut. Kolejne mailowe odpowiedzi z wypożyczalni dostaje z informacją ze nie mają dostępnych aut. Czy wiecie może jak to załatwić? Czy jechać na żywioł i coś znajdę na lotnisku? Trochę się spinam tym, wolę mieć wszystko ustalone 

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Cretan cleanse, or the power of Labdanum

Purge belongs to a group of plants that are sometimes also called rock roses. Usually, these are small evergreen shrubs that are intensely covered with flowers during flowering. The area of ​​occurrence of these plants is the southern part of Europe, characterized by a moderate climate - mainly the area of ​​the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins. Many of the 120 species of these plants are also found in the area of ​​both Americas.

Feta, or how to bite this cheese

Feta, or how to bite this cheese

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Oliwa i kosmetyki organiczne Olivaloe


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