Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Fizan - ultra light support on the trail

For the past few years, each trip to Crete has been combined with smaller or larger hiking trips. With time, trekking poles began to accompany us in these trips. And although it may not be 100% necessary equipment, which should be a mandatory equipment while wandering around Crete, we can write from our own experience that it is worth thinking about buying them.

Fizan - compact poles

At the outset, however, remember that, unfortunately, the basic criterion for whether you can take trekking poles with you to Crete is to have checked-in luggage. Safety procedures strictly forbid taking sharp objects on the plane. So if you have only hand luggage purchased within your flight, you will have to leave your trekking poles at home.

From the very beginning, we have been looking for a product on the market that will be as mobile as possible and have low weight. Very quickly our attention was attracted to the trekking poles of the Italian company Fizan, whose set weighs just over 300 grams. In addition, thanks to the modular structure consisting of three twisted segments, these poles take up relatively little space. When fully assembled, their length reaches only 58 cm.

If you are afraid of the stability of the connection of modules, then your fears are completely unfounded. In our case, the mechanism always worked completely correctly and the properly twisted stick never folded itself nor did it sway within the connection. The length lock system is based on clever flexible wedges spread by screws. It is a simple and very durable solution. Additionally, thanks to the fact that the rod has an internal locking system, it is free of all kinds of clips or clips. Its surface is smooth thanks to which it is easy to slip it into various types of fasteners located next to the backpacks.

Fizan compact - trekking poles

The high durability of poles is ensured by a properly selected material from which they were made. Recently, relatively fashionable material is carbon fiber, which is, however, due to its relatively high thickness, is not suitable for use in segmented poles. One of the most popular and most common are various types of aluminum alloys. In the case of the Fizan brand product described here, this is the alloy designated with the symbol 7071. This value is a parameter that uniquely determines the strength of the material. The higher the number, the poles will be more resistant to damage and cracks. In the case of an average class of trekking poles, the duraluminum 6000 is used. According to experts, this is an absolute minimum and if there is no sign on the poles, most probably they were made of the cheapest material marked 5000. This type of material will be good only for not too heavy urban walks .

Another valuable feature of these poles is the tip made of extremely hard carbide. Its strength is evidenced by the fact that after a few years (though sporadic use) the tips have only slight traces of their hard work. The metal tip has a unique shape, which makes the rod rests on almost every material. The outer edge of the tip catches even the smallest hooks on surfaces that seem almost perfectly smooth. The stick based on the rock, even at a relatively sharp angle, gives a high degree of confidence.

Fizan compact - arrowhead tip

The sticks' handles are made of EVA, which is pleasant to the touch, which is perfectly in the hand and does not cause excessive perspiration. The wide straps well cover the wrists and provide a great support both during the climb and glide. The material they are made of does not cause discomfort even after several hours of use.

Snowboards made of hard rubber are also supplied with poles. We never used them, so we will not comment on their usefulness or reliability. It is worth noting, however, that they are included in the set.

The poles are offered in several colors, but differ only within the last upper segment. The three lower parts are in each case identical, black, devoid of graphic ornaments. They have only the designation of the regulation range.

For several years, the price of these poles has remained unchanged, and depending on the shop, it ranges from 150 to about PLN 200. We personally bought our poles in one of Krakow's stores, which also puts its range on the Allegro. Looking from the perspective of several years of use with a clear conscience, we can recommend you these poles for walking excursions around Crete and beyond.

Fizan compact - Psiloritis - trekking poles

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gość PiotrWie
2016-09-18 21:43:39

Mógłbyś jeszcze podać model - akurat szukam kijków które są jak najkrótsze po złożeniu - przejrzałem w kilku sklepach ofertę Fizana i najkrótsze jakie znalazłem miały po złożeniu 66 cm - pewnie nie trafiłem na odpowiedni model.

Piotrek |
Piotrek |
2016-09-19 08:39:46

Model tych kijków to Compact. Dokładnie takie jak ten na ich stronie: Wedle specyfikacji składają się do długości 58cm. I wydaje mi się, że rzeczywista długość jest dokładnie taka sama. Jak chcesz to zmierzę je jeszcze na potwierdzenie.

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Le Florian shoes from Regatta

The intense plans for our this year's spring trip to Crete made it even necessary to have slightly higher and definitely more solid trekking shoes. After a fairly long browsing of the offers of various companies, our type fell on Le Florian shoes by Regatta. We liked the unusual appearance, long lacing and high quality waxed grain leather from which they were sewn.


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