Crete tourist guide

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Very bad this year's Crete traffic accident statistics

data_2019-08-22 19:14:22 2019-08-22 19:14:22

It will not be an exaggeration if we write that in recent years, this year will be recorded as one of the most tragic in terms of the number of fatal car accidents in Crete. There is practically no week to prevent local news from appearing in which subsequent events of this type are described. To date, a total of 48 people have been killed in Crete in less than eight months. This means that, compared to last year, there was an over 60% increase in the number of fatalities.

Road in Crete

It is worth noting here that in the whole of last year, 58 people were killed in Crete as a result of road accidents, which is only a little more than until now in 2019. Expert estimates leave no doubt - this year the total number of victims will certainly exceed 70 people.

In most cases, the victims of accidents were people who traveled or drove motor vehicles. Over the course of this year, seven fatal pedestrian deductions have also been reported. The vast majority of road accident victims were men.

Most of the victims of these tragic accidents are very young people who have relatively little experience in driving cars or motorbikes. About 58% of all people dying on the road are less than 30 years old, and about 40% are people under the age of 25.

The vast majority of fatal accidents occurred on local roads, where a total of 24 events of this type took place this year. It is worth noting here that this number does not include the New Road (BOAK), which is calculated separately in the statistics. By mid-August, only 10 people had been killed as a result of accidents. Other tragic road accidents in Crete took place in urban areas.

Accident map at BOAK Places of fatal accidents on Nowa Droga (BOAK)

Finally, it is also worth noting that, as in the case of other countries, accidents occur paradoxically on these days and at these times, which are commonly considered the safest. To date, this year's most tragic month in Crete was July, when 11 people were killed in road accidents. The following items include months such as February - 8 accident victims, January - 7 victims. It is clear that the increase in accidents cannot be directly linked to the tourist season.

The most tragic road incidents occur between 9am and 1pm, for which nearly 40% of all fatal accidents are reported. The most dangerous day of the week is Saturday, in which about 1/3 of all accidents occur.

Speed cameras in Crete

The seriousness of the situation should also be demonstrated by the fact that the growing number of accidents in Crete was one of the topics discussed at the meeting this week by the Prime Minister of Greece with the deputy minister for civil protection. They determined a number of actions to be taken, especially within the New Road, where the number of fatalities is the highest (insert the map from Article). One of the elements is to increase the presence of police patrols, which are supposed to enforce compliance with traffic rules in a more ruthless way.

Not only experts of various kinds call for any action to be taken, but also the local community in which grassroots movements appear to improve the situation on Cretan roads. One of such initiatives is the FB SOS BOAK group ( ). Its goal is to gather all those people who on November 17, 2019, i.e. on the International Day of Victims of Road Accidents, will participate in the demonstration that will take place that day on the New Road.

Road to Agia Sofia

Gosia i Piotrek,  data_2019-08-22 19:14:22 2019-08-22 19:14:22
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 Rafał Kiljan
Rafał Kiljan
2019-08-22 17:29:10

Od poczatku wakacji w Polsce zginęło 495 osób...

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2019-08-22 17:40:47

Polska ponad 38 mln, a Kreta trochę ponad 600 000 mieszkańców.

 Beata Waszkowska
Beata Waszkowska
2019-08-22 18:05:30

Trochę jestem w szoku, byłam pewna ,że Kreta jest bezpieczna.

 Iwona Burakowska
Iwona Burakowska
2019-08-22 18:38:18

Drogi mają kiepskie a jeżdżą też nie najlepiej niestety.

 Mariola Maj
Mariola Maj
2019-08-23 18:42:34

Nie dziwie sie. ....przeciez Grecy jezdza jakos dziwnie I bez kaskow

gość PiotrWie
2019-08-25 21:26:24

No cóż - Polacy oczywiście jeżdżą super - nie wyprzedzają na trzeciego na podwójnej ciągłej, nie usiłują wyprzedzić pięciu samochodów za jednym razem, nie jadą autostradą kilka metrów za poprzedzającym samochodem przy prędkości 140/h, itp.

Po kilkunastu pobytach w Grecji gdzie z reguły poruszałem się prawie codziennie wynajętym samochodem chciałbym by polscy kierowcy jeździli jak greccy - gdyby w Polsce e miejscowościach drogi zwężały by się jak w Grecji na jeden samochód bez określenia kto ma pierwszeństwo to tworzyłyby się korki a na środku dwóch kierowców prało by się pałami o to kto pojedzie pierwszy - a Grecy jeżdżą i nie ma problemu.

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