Crete tourist guide

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Holidays - a hot period of tax inspections

data_2019-08-19 19:48:09 2019-08-19 19:48:09

Recently, virtually every day in the Cretan local media there is news about various types of tax fraud revealed. The amount of this type of news clearly shows that the holiday season is not only a time of intensive work for people employed in the tourism industry, but also a very intense period for officials controlling the manner in which taxes are paid.

During our first trips to Crete, it often happened that we did not receive fiscal receipts for the services or goods purchased. Over the years that followed, this situation changed gradually and nowadays the opposite situations occur much less frequently. Nevertheless, the results of inspections carried out by Greek officials show that still one of the most popular offenses is that the goods or services sold are not charged on the cash register.

Beach Tax fraud on the beach? Why not?! How many times have you not received a receipt for your deck chairs?

One of the last cases of this type was revealed on the island of Chrissi. The audit revealed that various snacks and drinks available at the beach bar were sold without issuing fiscal receipts. The company operating in this place was subject to a penalty of closing the facility for another 48 hours. According to the information provided by, this is not the first offense of this type committed by the person running this company. In previous years, this entrepreneur was punished, among others, for the lack of employee insurance, as well as for the sale of counterfeit goods.

Similar offenses have also been reported in other parts of Crete, including Chania. In each case, similar suspension penalties were imposed and fines were imposed on some entrepreneurs. The most frequently described offenses of this type were disclosed in taverns and various types of gastronomic establishments, as well as at entrepreneurs who deal with the rental of sunbeds on the beach.

The inspection in one of the ice cream parlors in Hersonissos ended very unusual. Initially, the entrepreneur's business seemed perfectly lawful. Observations carried out by officials showed that each of the customers using ice cream parlor services received a fiscal receipt. Only a thorough analysis of the company's accounting allowed to uncover the scale of the fraud that was committed in this company.

The officials' actions revealed that special additional software was installed in the accounting system that modified the number of sales operations booked. Every day, when making the balance, around 80% of receipts were removed. Only the remaining 20% was sent to the tax office. At present, it was difficult to estimate the scale of the fraud and how long this practice has been practiced in this company. It is known, however, that around 291 receipts were removed at the end of one day. However, over the 15 days preceding the audit, special software erased a total of about 3,000 sales operations.

As in previous cases, the entrepreneur was punished with a suspension of operations for a period of 48 hours. Most likely, however, he will have to take into account the additional consequences associated with his frauds. Officials will check the activities of this ice cream shop over the past years. The audit will cover not only the method of booking operations, but also the payment of other taxes, including income taxes. Depending on the results of the audit, additional financial penalties will be imposed on the person conducting this activity.

Piotrek,  data_2019-08-19 19:48:09 2019-08-19 19:48:09
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 Agnes Mokros
Agnes Mokros
2019-08-20 14:17:32

Jak nie dają paragonu to nie mam obowiązku zapłacenia

 Wojtek Kedziora
Wojtek Kedziora
2019-08-20 19:52:57

No i co z tego....wypoczywamy....u nas jest tak samo....


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Najnowsze komentarze:

W Jeorjopouli montowali parasole kilka dni temu. No jestem ciekawa czy teraz będą demontować.
gość PiotrWie : Nam się podoba - może znowu da się jeździć na Kretę. Miłośników leżaków zapraszamy z powrotem na północne wybrzeże.
Bardzo się cieszę. Mnie to odpowiada, bo nie znoszę głośnej muzyki na plaży i coraz trudniej było znaleźć miejsce bez leżaków. Jak ktoś chce leżaki to zapewne znajdzie odpowiednie miejsce.
W Falasarnie byłam ostatnio jakieś 2-3 lata temu. Leżak na leżaku, głośna muzyka z baru, co najmniej dwa kłady, kursujące tam i z powrotem co kilka minut, generujace niesamowity hałas i smród.... a pamiętam jeszcze czasy, jak można było na tej plaży rozłożyć się z kocykiem w ciszy i spokoju, eh... no cóż może i szkoda miejsc pracy, ale ludzie wszystko potrafią zniszczyć i nie znają umiaru jeśli chodzi o kasę, ... (...)
Bardzo dobrze. Jak ktoś nie chce wypożyczać leżaka, to miejsca musi szukać na drugim końcu wyspy i w najbrzydszej okolicy.
Małe sprostowanie. Określenie "Fałszywe plaże" jest błędne. Chodzi tu o "Niezadeptane plaże" (gr. Απάτητες παραλίες) ;)
To znaczy, że z Falasarny znikną baldachimy do leżenia? Trochę rewolucja.
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