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New Archaeological Museum in Rethymno

data_2023-12-27 19:27:04 2023-12-27 19:27:04

Archeology fans will be happy to know that Rethymno is preparing to build a new Archaeological Museum. This is very good news, because the current facility is very poor and extremely modest compared to the impressive museums in Heraklion or Chania. The new place will certainly become an important place on the tourist map of this city.

Archaeological Museum in Rethymno Exhibition from the current Archaeological Museum in Rethymno

The museum is being prepared as part of an agreement between the Ministry of Culture and the municipality of Rethymno, and the budget allocated for the new facility is nearly EUR 3 million. The facility is to be built on a plot of almost 6,000 square meters in the western seaside part of the city near Fortezza. The plot for this purpose was donated by the Rethymno commune to the Ministry of Culture in 2010.

The long road to the museum

The architectural program and the preliminary museum plan were already approved in 2011 and 2013. In 2017, modifications were made to the commune's spatial development plan, which specified the museum construction site, development conditions and restrictions in the area. At the end of 2021, the Regional Operational Program "Crete 2014-2020" included financing for the development of the New Archaeological Museum in Rethymnon and an international competition for the preparation of an architectural study was announced.

Based on the information contained in the architectural program, it is known that the spaces of the new Archaeological Museum will be divided into exhibition spaces with an area of 1,300 m 2 , training rooms and an auditorium with an area of 180 m 2 . The rest of the space will be, among others, warehouses, administration offices, technical support areas and public utility rooms. The total area of the museum will be 4,200 m 2 .

In the halls of the new museum, objects demonstrating the architectural richness of the city and the entire Rethymno region will be exhibited. In addition to traditional exhibition forms, various visual and digital media will be used. The new museum, thanks to its location in one of the most important districts of the city, will certainly quickly become one of the most important points of the city and will have a positive impact on its development. The construction of this facility will be a response to the demands of the local community and the Ephorate of Antiquities in Rethymno. It is hard to believe that Rethymno is the only capital of the regional units of Crete that does not yet have a modern archaeological museum.

The only open question is how quickly this museum will be built.

Gosia,  data_2023-12-27 19:27:04 2023-12-27 19:27:04
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