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Is it eviction of local rentals from Chania airport?

data_2023-08-07 20:12:05 2023-08-07 20:12:05

When at the end of 2015 Fraport was finalizing the takeover of Chania airport, there were many promises related to the modernization and improvement of the functioning of this place. The announcements raised hopes that this place would eventually gain a new, better image. However, there were voices in which it was feared whether airport fees would skyrocket in the near future. However, the beginning of Fraport's operations was promising and brought the finalization of the long-awaited modernization of the airport and improvement of its functioning. Over time, however, there were also announcements of increases, which in the first place covered the cost of servicing air passengers. Unfortunately, as it turns out, this is not the end of the decision to increasingly commercialize the airport in Chania.

Chania - parking at the airport

More and more controversy is aroused by subsequent decisions made by the Fraport authorities managing the airport in Chania. Particular dissatisfaction does not hide the owners of local car rental companies. Mr. Christos Mylonakis, president of the local association of entrepreneurs offering this type of service, says directly that Fraport seeks to exclude local rental companies from the airport. This is done by small steps, small decisions that in practice exclude these companies from accessing the infrastructure of the local port.

Mr. Christos Mylonakis says directly that the situation of these family businesses is getting more and more difficult. Few entrepreneurs (apart from global car rental networks) are able to pay for parking spaces, the cost of which has recently doubled. According to him, there is strong pressure on the police to prevent cars from local rental companies from reaching the terminal in order to unload or load customer luggage.

Chania - parking at the airport

As an example of complete discrimination, the president of the association also mentions the ban on the entry of car rental employees to the arrivals hall. It was customary for them to stand here with signs on which the names of customers were written. According to him, people employed at Fraport repeatedly called the police, who, despite the lack of clear violations, asked employees of local car rental companies to leave the arrivals area.

The president of the Association of Car Rental Owners in Chania emphasizes that they have repeatedly attempted to talk to the airport authorities. Unfortunately, so far this has not brought any positive results. Mr. Christos Mylonakis is concerned that everything is moving towards the implementation of regulations similar to those in force on the island of Mykonos. According to him, at the local airport, fees are charged to all vehicles entering the airport parking lot.

If such solutions are also used at the airport in Chania, unfortunately, it will also be felt by tourists who will have to accept higher car rental costs or the need to travel to the car rental car park on their own.

Gosia i Piotrek,  data_2023-08-07 20:12:05 2023-08-07 20:12:05
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2023-08-07 18:45:17

Już w kwietniu zauważyliśmy, że niektóre z biur wypożyczalni wyniosły się z terminalu.

gość PiotrWie
2023-08-07 20:25:40

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Piękne .Wróciliśmy tam po kilkunastu latach i wydało nam się jeszcze piękniejsze.M.
Cudowne miasteczko
gość PiotrWie : Kolejne rekordy to obraz coraz większego overtourismu Krety. Na szczęście są jeszcze miejsca w Grecji gdzie można znaleźć spokój - obecnie jesteśmy na Ikarii gdzie jest mniej więcej tak jak 15 lat temu na południu i w interiorze Krety - na plażach i górskich szlakach spotykasz pojedyncze osoby.
I bardzo dobrze, Ci wspaniali ludzie zasługują na prosperite.
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