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Apollon K. - lifting and removing the wreckage

data_2022-06-26 19:23:17 2022-06-26 19:23:17

We have recently informed you that the "Apollon K" boat mooring in Agia Roumeli has collided with the quay in the port there . The incident took place due to difficult weather conditions, and more precisely because of a strong gust of wind. After contact with the concrete structure of the pier, the boat began to take on water, which in turn led to its partial sinking.

Apollon K. at the marina of Agia Roumeli

Apollon K. at the marina of Agia Roumeli

Passivity of NEN Kritis

This relatively small vessel owned by NEN Kritis operated passenger cruises on the Agia Roumeli - Paleochora route. The shipowner declared that the day after this event, the boat would sail alone to the port in Paleochora. According to preliminary information, the necessary renovation works were to be carried out there to restore its full efficiency. And although a dozen or so days have passed since then, the NEN Kritis company has not taken any action.

The passivity of the shipowner and the tardiness related to this situation arouse more and more dissatisfaction on the part of local authorities, but also the management of the local port. The residents who submitted an open letter to the Greek Ministry of Transport also do not hide their indignation.

In their letter, they demand immediate action to be taken to remove the inoperative vessel from the quay. Residents emphasize that the wreck not only hinders local navigation, but also poses a threat to the local natural environment. Possible leakages of fuel and other substances could adversely affect the coastal waters, which together with the coast constitute a protected area under the Natura 2000 program.

Apollon K. Apollon K. at the marina in Paleochora

Historical boat cruises?

The cup of bitterness was also poured out by the fact that, as a replacement for Apollon K, the shipowner NEN Kritis had replaced the archaic wooden Hermes boat, which is now to serve the voyages between Agia Roumeli and Paleochora. The residents point out that this is a unit that is now over 60 years old. Today, such ships can be seen in Agia Roumeli only in old black and white archival photographs.

The open letter raises the question: Does this way of organizing cruises using outdated equipment meet modern safety standards? The inhabitants of Agia Roumeli say no and, what is more, they strongly advise their friends not to use the services of NEN Kritis.

The shipowner opposes these claims and emphasizes that Hermes has recently undergone two inspections. During any of them, no faults were found and the boat was approved for use.

Apollon K. cut into razor blades

It is difficult to say how the situation with Apollon K will go on. Currently, there are voices that the vessel should be removed from the quay as soon as possible. A special committee has been established with representatives of the port authority and local authorities. A further action plan will be developed as part of regular meetings. It is already known that if NEN Kritis does not remove the damaged unit, the problem will be dealt with by the relevant state authorities. If that happened, it was quite possible that Apollon K would be cut to scrap.

Piotrek,  data_2022-06-26 19:23:17 2022-06-26 19:23:17
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Piękne .Wróciliśmy tam po kilkunastu latach i wydało nam się jeszcze piękniejsze.M.
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gość PiotrWie : Kolejne rekordy to obraz coraz większego overtourismu Krety. Na szczęście są jeszcze miejsca w Grecji gdzie można znaleźć spokój - obecnie jesteśmy na Ikarii gdzie jest mniej więcej tak jak 15 lat temu na południu i w interiorze Krety - na plażach i górskich szlakach spotykasz pojedyncze osoby.
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