Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Cruise ship passengers prohibited from shopping in Chania

data_2021-06-17 19:41:47 2021-06-17 19:41:47

According to local media reports, a rumor spread very quickly among entrepreneurs in Chania that passengers of one of the cruise ships mooring in the port there had been banned from shopping while on land. Although this information seemed incredible to many people, it turned out to be completely true. This ban is related to the internal regulations that are in force on board the "Mein Schiff 5" ferry belonging to the TUI travel agency. Currently, the Chania area is considered the orange zone by this company and therefore passengers are not allowed to shop in local stores.

Chania - Venetian Harbor

Today, out of the 1,300 passengers visiting the "Mein Schiff 5", around 750 tourists have disembarked. All these people are transported by buses between successive attractions. Today they visited the center of Chania, among others. Reportedly, the guidelines that tourists received before disembarking include the fact that they should not stop in front of shop windows, and that the shopping ban applies even to such trivial basic products as a water bottle.

I don't know how you perceive such restrictions, but for us they are completely incomprehensible. It seems absurd that passengers may be endangered by products purchased in local stores, while moving in the same zones as local residents, touching the same items, sitting e.g. on the same benches is already ok.

A cruise ship One of the examples of cruise ships visiting Crete

Large cruise ships crossing the seas and oceans are considered by many people to be the quintessence of the worst edition of modern mass tourism. The main accusations against these units are the fact that the people who stay on their decks draw handfuls of places visited by cruise ships, and at the same time emphasize their presence to a small extent by using local services or shopping at local stores. The pandemic, unfortunately, seems to have aggravated the problem even further.

Piotrek,  data_2021-06-17 19:41:47 2021-06-17 19:41:47
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Adam Sygacz Jest podane źródło.

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2021-06-19 05:26:52

Adam Sygacz jeśli masz lepsze źródło to poprosimy. Chętnie sprawdzimy. Wytyczne dla statków wycieczkowych są obecnie bardzo rygorystyczne.

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Piękne .Wróciliśmy tam po kilkunastu latach i wydało nam się jeszcze piękniejsze.M.
Cudowne miasteczko
gość PiotrWie : Kolejne rekordy to obraz coraz większego overtourismu Krety. Na szczęście są jeszcze miejsca w Grecji gdzie można znaleźć spokój - obecnie jesteśmy na Ikarii gdzie jest mniej więcej tak jak 15 lat temu na południu i w interiorze Krety - na plażach i górskich szlakach spotykasz pojedyncze osoby.
I bardzo dobrze, Ci wspaniali ludzie zasługują na prosperite.
Są pyszne
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