Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

The current situation in Greece and the perspective of the coming season

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Compared to other countries, Greece fares much better when it comes to the statistics of new coronavirus infections. However, the constantly worsening epidemiological data in several regions of this country meant that new restrictions were imposed on people living in these places, much more restrictive than those previously in force. From Thursday, the whole of Attica with Athens, the Zakhyntos region, and several smaller regional units were in the "red" zone. From Saturday morning, similar restrictions were imposed on the entire Prefecture of Rethymno in Crete. The situation is also serious in the area of the Cretan Agios Nikolaos.


New restrictions

What exactly do these new restrictions mean for these regions? It is worth mentioning, for example, the extension of the ban on movement to the hours between 6.00 p.m. and 5.00 a.m., the closure of retail trade and services. Remote education is also introduced, and in places of worship the maximum number of believers is limited to 9 people.

In addition, on Friday, a decision was made to extend restrictions on domestic air travel between Greek prefectures. The updated Aviation Directive only allows essential travel for business, health, family essentials and return to permanent residence. These restrictions are expected to apply until March 1.

Landing in Greece

When is the season beginning?

Most people planning this year's holidays in Greece, however, are waiting impatiently for the news about the conditions for opening the Greek borders to tourists. The first predictions about the opening of Greece to tourists are associated with the date of the Greek Easter holidays, which this year fall in early May. Restrictions, which have just been tightened, are expected to curb the spread of the virus and prepare Greece to accept tourists at the end of spring.

Controversial certificate

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis does not hide, however, that he places the greatest hope in returning to normalcy in vaccinations. You probably remember that Prime Minister Mitsotakis, at the end of January, addressed the European Commission with a proposal to create vaccine certificates for travelers, which raised concern among some tourists. However, as the Minister of Tourism Harry Theoharis assures, this year the vaccination certificate will not be the only condition for entry, and the health passport itself would be a travel aid for people who have it.

For people who do not have such a "vaccine passport", tests will remain an alternative. For now, however, the question remains whether they will be compulsory for every person crossing the Greek border or whether they will be based on different rules. There is no decision here yet, and at the moment there is nothing else but to wait patiently for the Greek government's decree regarding the summer guidelines. At the moment, Greece has a mandatory 7-day quarantine for arrivals and only admits people with a negative PCR test result.


Gradual interest

However, after initial skepticism over vaccine passports, more and more countries are starting to agree to the Greek prime minister's proposal. The tourism ministers of Greece and Serbia have already signed a memorandum of cooperation on the entry requirements for citizens of both countries during the tourist season from May 1 to October 1. The condition for entry is either to have a vaccination certificate or to present a negative test result.

The development of such a certificate for its citizens was also started by Great Britain, whose minister of foreign affairs was to say that "it is the countries where holidaymakers come to decide whether vaccine passports are needed". The British want their vaccinated citizens to be able to go on this year's vacation without any additional problems thanks to this certificate. This is an important declaration because Greece is visited by about 2 million British people every year.

This idea is also to be supported by Denmark and Sweden, which want to prepare such a certificate by summer. Other countries that have so far expressed interest in such a solution are Spain, Belgium, Iceland, Estonia, Poland, Romania and the Seychelles. Portugal and Thailand are also considering this idea.

Last minute holidays?

The lack of certain solutions developed at the moment means that some tourists postpone the decision to go on vacation until the last minute. The secretary general of the Hellenic National Tourism Organization (GNTO) said recently that he expects last-minute bookings this year to play a decisive role in the performance of Greek tourism. These predictions are confirmed by updates sent by foreign GNTO offices and data provided by Sojern. She recently researched travel behavior to get a picture of how people plan European trips.

By analyzing the flight searches, Sojern discovered that there is no clearly distinguishable week or date for the start of vacation travel. This is probably due to the instability of travel conditions and the current blockades. However, despite the fact that at the moment the level of booking is extremely low, Greece is in the forefront of European countries in which tourists have growing trust. The company's insights are based on over 350 million traveler profiles, but obviously not 100% of the travel market.

Gosia,  data_2021-02-13 20:53:09 2021-02-13 20:53:09
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 Rafał Kiljan
Rafał Kiljan
2021-02-13 21:01:08

Też czekam bo ostatni raz w Grecji* byliśmy w 2017 roku i bardzo tęsknimy ale nie robię sobie nadzieji. Jak się uda będzie wspaniale.

* No bo jednak Cypr to nie do konca Grecja. Byliśmy na Cyprze zimą 2020 krótko przed tym jak to szaleństwo się rozpoczęło.

 Beata Hendzel
Beata Hendzel
2021-02-14 02:41:56

Czyli jak szczpionkiwy paszport będzie potrzebny to marne szanse

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2021-02-14 06:08:38

Beata Hendzel Tak jak napisaliśmy certyfikat to na pewno nie będzie jedyna opcja do wjazdu.

 Beata Niedźwiedź
Beata Niedźwiedź
2021-02-14 11:33:15

Beata Hendzel Mi za jakiś rok najwcześniej, a syn to już nie wiadomo kiedy.

 Beata Hendzel
Beata Hendzel
2021-02-14 12:35:21

CRETE - Kreta mam nadzieję która nie umarła jeszcze

gość PiotrWie
2021-02-14 14:34:50

Myślę że oprócz szczepienia będą też testy- albo przed przyjazdem albo jak w zeszłym roku wytypowane osoby po przylocie. Żeby wpuszczali bez testów musiała by ilość zakażeń w Europie spaść w okolicę zera a to niestety mało prawdopodobne.1a

 Dariusz Dragon
Dariusz Dragon
2021-02-14 17:32:19

A my na Zakyntos mamy wyjazd

 Katarzyna Rutkowska
Katarzyna Rutkowska
2021-02-14 17:49:27

Wyczytałam gdzieś, że Grecja nie wprowadzi jeszcze w tym roku paszportu szczepień. Potrzebują turystów.

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2021-02-15 11:41:35

Katarzyna Rutkowska Tak, piszemy o tym w artykule.

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Piękne .Wróciliśmy tam po kilkunastu latach i wydało nam się jeszcze piękniejsze.M.
Cudowne miasteczko
gość PiotrWie : Kolejne rekordy to obraz coraz większego overtourismu Krety. Na szczęście są jeszcze miejsca w Grecji gdzie można znaleźć spokój - obecnie jesteśmy na Ikarii gdzie jest mniej więcej tak jak 15 lat temu na południu i w interiorze Krety - na plażach i górskich szlakach spotykasz pojedyncze osoby.
I bardzo dobrze, Ci wspaniali ludzie zasługują na prosperite.
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