Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Water and electricity in Spinalonga

data_2021-01-09 18:22:17 2021-01-09 18:22:17

Although several decades have passed since the closure of the leper colony on Spinaloga , the site still remains cut off from civilization to some extent. Despite the relatively close location to Crete, this small rocky island has still not been connected to the network of such basic utilities as electricity or water. Fortunately, however, there are many indications that this situation will change in the near future. In recent days, the Greek Ministry of the Interior announced the launch of the Philodimos II program, which aims to electrify the island of Spinalonga and supply it with running water.


This information was very pleased with the local authorities, which have signaled the need for this work for a long time. The constantly growing interest in the island and its history means that in each subsequent normal tourist season, Spinalonga is visited by an increasing number of guests. Providing an appropriate level of service requires access to such basic utilities as water and electricity. The cost of the entire project is estimated at € 2.5 million, which from the perspective of the commune's budget is certainly a considerable amount.

Renovated buildings on Spinalonga

It is also not without significance that in the near future Spinalonga will most likely be finally entered on the World Heritage List. This prestigious award will certainly contribute to even greater interest in this unique island.

It is also worth mentioning that the lack of access to a constant power source was a source of trouble in the recent past. In August 2018, office buildings belonging to the tourist office on the island were robbed. Well-organized robbers stole about 19 thousand. € taking advantage of the fact that the place was unattended after hours of operation, and additionally after midnight the island was plunged into complete darkness.

Piotrek,  data_2021-01-09 18:22:17 2021-01-09 18:22:17
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 Wojciech Wolicki
Wojciech Wolicki
2021-01-09 19:22:11

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Strach pomyśleć co się bedzie działo w lipcu i sierpniu.
Niestety nie tylko tam nie dba się o zwierzęta jest wiele takich państw, byłam niedawno w Egipcie i serce mi pękało na widok tych wszystkich biednych chudych zaniedbanych zwierząt, niby turystyka rozwinięta w tych krajach a Ciemnogród Totalny
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Nie odnoszę się do tego konkretnego przypadku ale to smutne, na Krecie nie szanuje się psów i kotów. Pomimo, że widzimy je wszędzie (koty), są karmione odpadkami, zarobaczone z ropiejącymi oczami, zaniedbane. Wiem o czym piszę, mam koty w domu od kilkunastu lat. Osobiście widziałem jak zabito psa łopatą i zakopano, tylko dlatego, że przychodził na teren hotelu. Tym bardziej szacunek dla tego Pana o dużym sercu. (...)
Piękne .Wróciliśmy tam po kilkunastu latach i wydało nam się jeszcze piękniejsze.M.
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