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The end of the shocking murder of Suzanne Eaton in Crete

data_2020-10-13 20:31:37 2020-10-13 20:31:37

In July last year, the inhabitants of Crete and world opinion were shocked by the murder of Suzanne Eaton, 59, from the United States, who flew to the island for a scientific conference. Perhaps some of you remember when we informed about this matter on our website . This cruel and shocking story has ended this afternoon. At a court hearing, the 28-year-old perpetrator was found guilty of murder and rape.

Suzanne Eaton Suzanne Eaton and her killer . Photo source:

Suzanne Eaton was a molecular biologist at the Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden and was to take an active part in a scientific meeting organized in Crete. It is no wonder then that her absence from the conference immediately alarmed the organizers and her family. After a search in the hotel room, it turned out that the only things missing were the clothes and running shoes. It was therefore suspected that the woman might have been injured or fainted while practicing sports. For several days, the relatives of the women and the local police conducted a search. There was even a cash reward of 50,000 euros for helping to find it. Unfortunately, the end of the search turned out to be tragic. After six days, Eaton's body was found in one of the post-German bunkers in the area of western Crete.

An autopsy revealed numerous injuries, and investigators also found that the woman had been raped. The local police quickly selected a potential perpetrator. A young, then 27-year-old man, from Crete, was detained. The DNA tests performed confirmed that he is Eaton's killer.

This crime greatly shocked all the inhabitants of Crete. The charm of a safe island where everyone feels safe. The island's permanent community is not great, so an "internet investigation" quickly emerged, everyone wanted to know the identity of the perpetrator. As could be expected, it was soon established. It turned out that the detainee ran a YouTube channel on which he posted videos on post-German bunkers and caves in Crete. Interestingly, in everyday life he was seen as an exemplary husband and father of two children. He is also the son of a local pop.

Suzanne Eaton

The suspect quickly pleaded guilty and gave extensive testimony. The man revealed that that day he spotted Eaton running alone near the Gonia Odigitria Monastery on the Rodopou Peninsula. He hit her twice with a car, then threw the unconscious woman into the trunk and took her to the bunker. There he raped Suzanne Eaton many times, then strangled her and threw her body into the bunker. We will spare you the rest of the details of this gruesome crime. The case was so shocking that even the lawyer who had originally represented him in court withdrew from defending the suspect. He explained the decision that he didn't want his name to be associated with this cruel crime.

We will only add that during the police investigation it turned out that Eaton's killer had several other previous car knocks on women walking alone along the road. These incidents were even reported to the police. At that time, however, no one associated them with sexual implications, and they were classified only as ordinary traffic events. Only after the murder of the American scientist, the police were able to link all the reported cases of deductions.

Today, a trial was held in a court in Rethymno, where the perpetrator of this cruel crime was found guilty of intentional murder and rape by a majority of votes. The court found no extenuating circumstances, and the prosecutor demanded life imprisonment for the murder and 15 years in prison for rape. What shocked everyone was the "apology" of the accused, who admittedly admitted to the murder, but said it was an accident. He also claimed that his earlier testimony was the result of pressure exerted on him by the police. He also did not plead guilty to any sexual motive for the murder and rape of Suzanne Eaton three times.

Gosia i Piotrek,  data_2020-10-13 20:31:37 2020-10-13 20:31:37
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Piękne .Wróciliśmy tam po kilkunastu latach i wydało nam się jeszcze piękniejsze.M.
Cudowne miasteczko
gość PiotrWie : Kolejne rekordy to obraz coraz większego overtourismu Krety. Na szczęście są jeszcze miejsca w Grecji gdzie można znaleźć spokój - obecnie jesteśmy na Ikarii gdzie jest mniej więcej tak jak 15 lat temu na południu i w interiorze Krety - na plażach i górskich szlakach spotykasz pojedyncze osoby.
I bardzo dobrze, Ci wspaniali ludzie zasługują na prosperite.
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