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The situation in Crete after the collapse of the Thomas Cook travel agency

data_2019-09-23 19:57:17 2019-09-23 19:57:17

The news that electrified the local media today was information about the fall of the British travel agency Thomas Cook. It is worth emphasizing here that this tour operator is one of the most important partners for many Cretan entrepreneurs. It is estimated that around 70% of companies operating in the tourism industry in Crete cooperate to a greater or lesser extent with Thomas Cook. The bankruptcy of this travel agency will certainly affect a large proportion of local entrepreneurs.

Thomas Cook plane

In some areas of the island, the degree of cooperation with the British travel agency is even greater. Nikos Chalkiadakis, president of the Heraklion Hotels Association, estimates that around 80% of hotels in the capital of Crete are connected by various types of cooperation agreements with Thomas Cook. The collapse of this travel agency will most likely mean very high losses for a significant proportion of entrepreneurs. Let the fact that the amount can be talked about be confirmed by the fact that one of the hoteliers in Heraklion declared that due to the bankruptcy Thomas Cook had lost about 650 thousand. € revenue. Of course, many entrepreneurs hope that these costs will be minimized by compensations guaranteed by insurance companies. However, it will be time consuming to recover.

At present, the 2020 season losses generated by the fall of Thomas Cook travel agency are also difficult to estimate. At present, most tour operators have already completed the period of building next year's offer. Hotel owners who tied their future to the activities of Thomas Cook are currently in a very difficult situation. Finding another travel agency that buys places in their facility can be very difficult or will involve the need to offer very low prices. Organizations representing hotel owners are appealing to the Greek government to take action to ensure that their businesses survive during this very difficult time.

Heraklion - tourists

Thomas Cook is the second largest tourist company operating in Crete. It should not come as a surprise, then, that its fall is described by some people as a tsunami, which will most likely sweep away some of the local tourism industry businesses. One cannot forget that only this year the number of tourists who came to Crete via Thomas Cook is about 400,000. people. Looking through the prism of the travel agency's scale, you can see how strongly this company had an impact on the tourism industry in Crete. Closing your business also means losing approximately 1,200 jobs directly employed by Thomas Cook.

The fall of Thomas Cook is also a big problem for customers who are currently resting on Crete as part of their stays purchased at this travel agency. The number of tourists in this situation is estimated at 20,000. people. It is also difficult to say at what stage the settlements between this travel agency and hotel owners are. At present, nothing is known about any Thomas Cook clients being checked out from one of the Cretan hotels. However, there is information that such situations occur in other countries, where customers are to be transferred to other facilities until they return.

The status of subsidiaries of Thomas Cook also raises many doubts. It is worth mentioning that this company is the owner of the Polish branch of Neckermann. The management of this travel agency reassures, however, that according to Polish commercial law, the company is a completely separate company and is currently "in a stable financial condition". In a statement to the press, there was also an assurance that all bills were settled on time.

Currently, there are about 2,000 Polish tourists abroad who bought trips through the Neckermann Polska travel agency. According to press information, their leisure runs without problems. This morning another group of people also flew to the island of Rhodes. However, the board of the Neckermann Polska travel agency decided to appoint a crisis staff to monitor the current situation of the company after the collapse of the British travel agency Thomas Cook.

Gosia i Piotrek,  data_2019-09-23 19:57:17 2019-09-23 19:57:17
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 CRETE - Kreta
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2019-09-24 06:19:41

Hotelarze też nie mają wesołej sytuacji bo Thomas Cook nie uregulował należności za tych turystów którzy już byli na wakacjach.

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 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2019-09-24 07:41:32

Sami Kreteńczycy nie podchodzą do tego tak lekko. Bo w samym Heraklionie jest około 80% hotelarzy, którzy współpracowali z Cookiem. Nie otrzymali oni należności za turystów którzy byli w tym sezonie w lipcu czy sierpniu. Tylko jeden z nich zadeklarował, że w związku z bankructwem Thomas Cook utracił około 650 tys. € przychodu. Co więcej większość hoteli zdążyła już sprzedać pokoje na rok następny Cookowi. Znalezienie nowych kontrahentów to nie taka prosta sprawa. Niestety mści się to o czym pisaliśmy wielokrotnie - uzależnienie turystyki wyspy od gigantycznych biur podróży.

 Robert Mch
Robert Mch
2019-09-24 07:48:46

Jolanta Kubacka nie zdajesz sobie najwyraźniej sprawy, ile podmiotów było powiązanych z Thomasem Cookiem.

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2019-09-24 08:14:40

Dodajmy że upadek Thomasa Cooka to problem nie tylko Grecji i Krety. Turcja, Tunezja itp. miejsca liczą właśnie gigantyczne straty.

 Robert Mch
Robert Mch
2019-09-24 08:19:05

Ponad 80% hoteli, miało podpisane umowy z Cookiem.

 CRETE - Kreta
CRETE - Kreta
2019-09-24 09:49:53

Jak piszą dzisiejsze media już w kilka godzin po ogłoszeniu bankructwa przez Thomasa Cooka, jego główni konkurenci na TUI i JET2 gwałtownie podnieśli ceny. Podwyżki cen to kolejna konsekwencja upadku Cooka, która dotknie tych którzy planują przyszłoroczne wakacje.

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Iga Warych
2019-09-24 10:46:46

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Iga Warych masakra jakas

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2019-09-24 19:27:09

Byłem właśnie z Tomasem na Krecie .

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