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Spinalonga - a spectacular burglary in the light of the full moon

data_2018-08-28 20:17:06 2018-08-28 20:17:06

For many years, the cruise to the island of Spinalonga is one of the most popular tourist trips. Recently, this place is second only to the excavations in Knossos. At the peak of the tourist season, each day the gate of the fortress on the island of Spinalonga exceeds about 4,000. tourists. Such a large number of visitors generates quite a lot of revenue from ticket sales every day. Unfortunately, in recent days, this amount has aroused the interest of burglars.


Most likely, on the night of 26-27 August, the island burglarized into the premises used by the administration of this place. A safe was secured, in which there were takings obtained from the sale of tickets. The robbers also broke into the souvenir shop's premises, where they took cash from the cash register. In total, the amount of up to 19,000 zlotys was looted. €.

From the preliminary findings of the Police, it appears that the people who planned this burglary had to know exactly where and how the cash is stored on the island. Apart from the damage to the doors to the two rooms, the police officers did not find any other evidence of the presence of burglars. According to investigators, these people probably also knew about security measures and the daily schedule of work and functioning of this place. According to the information provided by the local prosecutor's office, everything indicates that the burglary was carried out by a person or group of people from the local community.


The last people working on Spinaloga leave the island at 18.30. From that time until the morning, this place is completely devoid of any supervision or protection. What's more, during the night hours, the lighting is kept only until 24 o'clock. At midnight, this place sinks into complete darkness. It seems, therefore, that the date of this burglary coinciding with the full moon was not accidental. Using natural light, robbers could easily break into the administrative and shop premises.

Regardless of whether the perpetrators will be detected or not, this matter will certainly have its own (rather stormy) sequence. Local journalists are wondering how it is possible that the managers of this place could have committed such a low-cost way of storing cash. It is also astonishing that on the island without such supervision, such a large amount of cash is left. There are also doubts that only two guards working until 18:30 are employed to protect this place.

Piotrek,  data_2018-08-28 20:17:06 2018-08-28 20:17:06
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Sylwia Wiśniewska
2018-10-17 10:36:28


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